


3 years, 2 months ago



Name Nimbus
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Species Raccoon/Cherub
Role Fortune Spirit
Theme 🎵

Likes 🌈

  • Sweets
  • Friends
  • Naps
  • Bright colors

Dislikes ⛈️

  • Spicy foods
  • Getting up early
  • Greedy individuals
  • Rainy weather

Kind . Suave . Playful

While Nimbus' origins remain mostly unclear, most agree that he was created from the clouds themselves. Others suggest that a higher being of some kind collected a cluster of clouds and then manipulated them to create Nimbus into what he was. Either way, there was never a true answer, Nimbus himself is unsure how he came to be. Despite his unsure origin, Nimbus found a sense of purpose within himself, he couldn't place where this feeling came from. This feeling, this need to offer great fortune of those he felt fit. After this realization, he found himself giving away the candy stars he could summon at will, sprinkling them within eyeshot of the reciever, or placing them under their pillows. The candy stars surrounding his halo are reserved for those who are close to him. These are the sweetest ones, and give immense temporary luck to those who eat them. It's only temporary to mess with his friends, he could make the luck of these stars last longer, but chooses not to. These same friends will claim that he has a very elegant approach to his purpose and is confident is his abilites, sometimes a bit too confident. Even so, it's obvious that he genuinely cares and cherishes those close to him and takes great pride in the impact he has.

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