Okabe Kozue



3 years, 1 month ago



Name: Okabe Kozue

Nickname: he doesnt have a nickname unless from a lover or mate

Gender: Male

Age: 24


Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationship Status: single

Crush: None


Hair Color: grey and gold

Eye Color: dull gold

Height: 6 foot 2

Bust: None

Scars: none

Tattoos: None

Piercing(s): None

Clothing: He likes to wear whatever is most comfortable to him

Glasses/contacts: None

Skin Tone: pale

Voice: Charming and smooth


Personality: He can be a bit indifferent, not really wanting to concern himself in the affairs of others but he will involve himself if its someone he likes or is a close friend. He is hard to impress and and has a soft spot for cute things

Likes: Cute things, pouting, light teasing and cuddling the person he loves

Dislikes: Involving himself with strangers and their affairs, chaotic notions and disorganization

Disorder(s): Unknown

Diseases: Unknown

Fears: He doesnt speak his fears to anyone


Color(s): any really

Food: Korean foods

Animals: He likes butterflies surprisingly


Kids: None

Friends: Open

Bio: In rp

Elemental power: Smoke manipulation

Picture: made on picrew