Teal Bomber



3 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info



Japanese Name:



Agender (They/Them)


Biida Cops (Student; Jr. Rank)


Lawful Good



Child of Sergeant Midoribon and the rich Mizuirobon. They were "born" through an invention of Graybon Hakase's that Shirobon and Kiirobon thought would make Midori and Mizuiro act embarrassingly lovey-dovey with eachother. After taking the time to get over the shock of suddenly becoming parents, the two raised Tiiru as their own (with the help of the staff around the mansion).

Tiiru enjoyed being an only child, then one day when they were around 6, their dad brought home another kid named Shianbon, whom he found in Mercury's outskirts, to potentially adopt her. Right off the bat, they didn't like her, she was way too loud and rowdy, she broke some stuff, their personalities clashed, and Tiiru thought that she would take their parent's (especially their dad's) attention away from them. They didn't want a sibling. 

Midori and Mizuiro decided take the two kids to the park while they discuss the potential adoption, and hope maybe the kids will learn to get along somehow. At some point, Tiiru got distracted by something and wandered away from Shian, and got into trouble with some bullies, but Shian came to Tiiru's rescue and chased the bullies off. Tiiru realized she actually wasn't that bad, and thought that maybe having a sibling wouldn't be so bad after all. When they told their parents the missing details of what happened and that Shian helped them, that was enough to solidify Shian's adoption. Years later, the two siblings are as close as ever, even if they do get on eachother's nerves sometimes.

They live at their mansion in Mercury, but they visit Earth often to hang out with their friends along with their sister, Shian, and to attend their BiidaCop training classes; they're currently Jr. rank.

(In an AU, Tiiru is a triplet and has siblings named Matsubon and Kurizuirobon, and the story is a little different, such as both Matsu and Shian protect them and Kuri from bullies, among other things.)


As a youngster, Tiiru used to act like their dad, Midori, but as they got older, they mellowed out a became more like their "mom," Mizuiro and developed a "fashion sensu" of their own (to Midori's dismay), though they did maintain Midori's determination and sense of justice (to Midori's joy). They did have a spoiled attitude for a time, but that didn't last very long, and they have Aka and Tosukana to thank for that.

Along with that they are a bit airheaded and is prone to getting distracted if something neat catches their eye or if matcha is involved, and they tend to not think of the consquences or see red flags right away, this doesn't necessarily mean they're gullible or not that bright though, they will get suspicious if they feel something isn't right (emphasis on "if"). 

It takes a lot for Tiiru to get really angry, but when they do, they can get loud, and with how calm they usually are, this comes off as a shock to everyone present, luckily, them getting angry rarely happens, though a sure-fire they would get upset immediately is if someone spoke bad about their friends and family, they will tell them off; they're very passionate about their loved ones.

Around their friends and family, Tiiru is quite sociable, but when out in public on their own, they're quieter and tend to keep to themselves. After issues in the past of getting taken advantage of, they're wary about making friends outside of the ones they have unless they're affliated with Tiiru's friends or family one way or another.


-Their mech is named Tenacious-Tealer. It has the ability to travel through the air and underwater, but the underwater function barely gets used due Tiiru prefering to fly more. Tenacious-Tealer can also transform into a mecha form.

-Matcha and matcha-flavored treats are their favorite things ever.

-Dresses? Suits? They'll wear anything as long as it makes them look good and goes well with their color palette, and not make them look "tacky" (which is a word they use often).

-If they swear for any reason, accidentally or on purpose, they make sure to clean their mouth with soap afterwards.

-They are less active than they were as a youngster, as a result, they may have gotten a bit round.

-They came out when they were around 8 through encouragement by Kiiro and Shian. 

-They're almost always seen with both their aquamarine cap and blue bowtie. Both of these were given to them by Midori and Mizuiro respectively, and they cherish them, as well as careful to not get them ruined.

-They used to hang out with Kiirobon a lot, as a result, Kiiro's penchant for jokes rubbed off onto them, and Tiiru would crack a joke/pun when they get the chance to, they also refer to Kiiro as their uncle, or "UnKiirobon" (much to their parent's dismay). Kiiro couldn't be prouder.

-While they refer to Kiiro as their "UnKiirobon," they refer to Aka as their "Auntie Ana."

-They've known Sora, Tucker, Scarlett, Violet, and Mystic pretty much ever since they were babies.

-Tiiru used to be best friends with another rich kid named Rabendabon, but they've had a falling out, and now they can't stand eachother. They still don't understand why Rabenda decided to break off their friendship, but they refuse to ask her after their falling out with her.

-They are pen pals with Dandylion, but they are unaware of that. Their pen name is Green Tea.

-They have plushes of their parents, and had them ever since they were a baby to help them feel safe whenever their parents weren't around. As a kid, they used to take them whereever they go, but after the incident with the bullies, they kept them in their room so they would be safe. To them, those plushes are very valueable.

-In the AU where Matsu and Kuri exist, Shian isn't their sibling, but they consider eachother best friends and they visit eachother frequently, aside from that, their story and personality remains unchanged.