


3 years, 1 month ago


✣ Name: Strawberry
✣ Gender: Female
✣ Sexual Orientation: Abrosexual
✣ Romantic Orientation: Lesbian
✣ Age: 36 moons
✣ Warren: Honeycomb
✣ Rank: Owsla (formerly digger)
✣ Mother: Lilac
✣ Father: Blackberry
✣ Adoptive Parents (if applicable): N/A
✣ Littermates / Siblings: Blueberry (sister, owned by @Jamie), Raspberry (brother, NPC)
✣ Other Notable Family: N/A
✣ Mate(s): none
✣ Kits: none
✣ Personality: Strawberry is a lively and high-energy doe, characterized by her talkative and playful nature. She is often over-the-top, and seen as loud by others. Although she may seem ditzy at times, her determination and drive are unmatched.

✣ Backstory: Strawberry was born to Lilac and Blackberry as part of a litter of three, including her siblings Blueberry and Raspberry. Each of the kits were named after berries, as part of their father’s long-running family tradition. Strawberry was very active from birth, and even a bit reckless, leading to her sister Blueberry fussing over her often. She noticed early her sister’s potential when it came to caring for others, and when she found out that Blueberry desired to be a caretaker, Strawberry completely supported her, enthusiastic that the role was perfect for her. To try and satisfy their parents, Strawberry decided to become a digger, so that Blueberry could pursue her dream. However, one seemingly normal day, her sister disappeared, only to be found as a prisoner to the Treefall warren. This ignited an intense rage and fiery determination within Strawberry. She marched directly to Apple-rah to request joining the Owsla. She knew the intense training she would have to endure to be accepted, but she didn’t care. She had to make it to Blueberry, no matter what, at any cost.
✣ Strengths: Very active and fit, always up for an adventure. Once she sets her eyes on a goal, there’s no stopping her.
✣ Weaknesses: Extremely reckless. Tends to let her emotions get the best of her.
✣ Likes: Her family (especially Blueberry), going on trips or adventures, discovering the unknown, socializing, any physical activity
✣ Dislikes: Treefall, those that judge a book by its cover, cruelty or unfairness
✣ Description: A red doe with a lighter underbelly and a white flash on her chest, as well as blue eyes full of energy.