Romiri Tathviel



3 years, 1 month ago


A son born to the cursed Tathviel family. Grew up running around underfoot in his aunt's restaurant, before things fell apart, and 'Auntie Ylma' became Ylmaut the Lifedrinker.

Of course, things were always falling apart: the curse was alive and roaring before the young Romiri ever faced its true sting. But to his eyes, there was a golden age: the time when the restaurant was open, his parents were both around, and aunt Ylma would lift him up in her arms and put him on a high stool chair at the bar, because he couldn't climb up himself.

But the restaurant closed, he grew tall enough no one could lift him, and his mother left this world like dust flying away in the wind. He remembers the night his eyes were opened. Aunt Ylmaut stood behind the bar, a bottle in her hand, and red on her hands. She promised him, over and over, in words that broke down more each time they were said -- she would save this family.

Ylmaut the Lifedrinker wasn't born that night. But that was when Romiri first learned the name.

He lived in a different world, after that. A violent world, awash with blood, far from the sun's rays. But he lived, where his mother had died. He lived longer than she ever had.

When Romiri became a young man, he fled the country. He met a woman named Sona Dewprism, and fell into weird heterosexual whirlwind romance with her. They married, eloped, and had a baby.

The monastery was very kind.

In months, he couldn't take it any more. He told Sona the truth. And she told him they were having another baby. That night, he never knew, Sona wrote to his accursed aunt -- who sent them a miracle that would save their child.