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Law Caller

Law Caller
Status Active
Aliases [show]
Widdle Cadet Cawwer
Soy Cop
Protector of the Locals
The Hesitant Shooter
Taser Trooper
Certified Local Driver
Law Nopers
Relatives Noah Caller
Biographical Information
Date of Birth March 12th, XXXX
Age 24
Nationality American
Gender Male
Pronouns Masculine
Species Human
Relationship Information
Marital Status Single
Sexuality Demisexual
Faction Information
Other Affiliation(s) Los Santos Police Department Street Crimes Unit
  • Specialising in violent crimes
Former Affiliation(s) Major Crimes Division
  • Detective
  • Violent Crimes Unit
Employment Information
Business Name Los Santos Police Department
Occupation Police Officer
Rank Senior Officer (LSPD)
Detective (SCU)
Former Job(s) Deliveryman (24/7 Supermarket)
Dispatch (Los Santos Police Dispatch)
Law Enforcement Detail
Status Badge # Insignia
Active 486 hMzsQ7P.png
Physical Attributes
Height 5'11" (181 cm)
Eye Colour Teal
Hair Colour Auburn
Other Information
Voice Name
Theme Title

Law Caller is a non-canon character for the GTA V NoPixel roleplay server.

Law Caller is a Senior Officer with the Los Santos Police Department (Badge #486), and a Detective with the Street Crimes Unit, with his efforts most often directed towards violent crimes. He can often be found patrolling during Shifts 1 and 3. Apart from being known in the PD as a protector of locals, he is also regarded to be one of the worst drivers on the force due to his increased rates of vehicular accidents. Despite so, and against the better judgement of his superiors, he continues to drive his cruiser around personally as he strives to improve himself, hoping to one day be rid of the name "Law-50" once and for all.

Law is described to have a slender but muscular build, and a naive appearance. His eyes are naturally a teal colour. His hair is auburn, slightly wavy, and his fringe is parted centrally, the tips reaching just to the bottom of his eyes. His ears are pierced, and his choice of earrings are plain black studs. He also has a mole below his lips on the left. He is easy to flush, and often walks with a nervous gait.

After the events following his reunion with Noah Caller, he appears much more hardened, and his gait changes to become more confident. His fashion sense and appearance, however, otherwise remain the same.

LSPD Uniform

Law dresses in the same outfit as all LSPD officers do. He uses the long-sleeved collared uniform along with black slacks. The police vest is only used by him during raids and shootouts, but he is otherwise not often seen donning it. Around his waist, he equips a holster belt for his taser and other utilities, such as his flashlight, radio, and baton. His gun is holstered separately on his upper left thigh. On his feet, he wears combat shoes, which he switches out for dress shoes during bench trials and other court cases. Law also uses orange-shaded sunglasses, but mainly during traffic stops. Regardless of his status while on patrol, he always has his earpiece on so that he may be able to quickly respond to urgent situations.

As part of the Street Crimes Unit, Law also tends to go undercover often on stakeouts and information gathering. His wardrobe for these jobs consist of leather jackets and hoodies, although it often switches up as to avoid detection and suspicion. The looks he put together are often far from what he would normally wear, sometimes putting him in clothing that are somewhat comedic and/or thematic. Masks (full or half-exposure), as well as the lack of his earpiece, are also common.

Off-duty Attire

Law's wardrobe consists of comfortable clothing. His fashion sense is what some would refer to as being 'Korean'-styled. His go-to outfit when in public, however, is a simple blue overshirt jacket with the sleeves folded once backwards at the wrist so that the edge sticks out a little, and a beige tee underneath. He uses skinny jeans of a similar colour to his overshirt with red converse shoes.

At home, Law often wears oversized cardigans over his tees and either comfortable sweats or jeans. Most of his clothes are of faded or pastel colours, with the occasional dark one.

Law Caller is known amongst many as somewhat of a timid cop. He's often clumsy and careless, although over time, he has grown more aware, alert, and careful on the job.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur volutpat convallis ligula, sed laoreet urna dignissim quis. Vivamus consectetur lorem eu volutpat suscipit. Pellentesque egestas mauris neque, vel feugiat dui laoreet sed. Suspendisse at tortor fermentum, viverra mi in, finibus dolor. Praesent blandit venenatis fringilla. Nam tincidunt dui a lectus commodo malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce sodales dui sed odio tristique imperdiet. Aliquam blandit neque lobortis, ullamcorper odio id, euismod lectus. Praesent erat felis, tristique id turpis quis, dignissim venenatis arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Donec mattis dignissim sem, vel tincidunt lacus. Nam id efficitur ligula. Cras pharetra lacus eu magna molestie ullamcorper. Aliquam turpis tortor, porttitor a neque euismod, placerat vestibulum lorem. Nam ut aliquam massa, at lobortis magna. Pellentesque commodo, sem ut dictum feugiat, lorem enim aliquet mauris, quis mattis velit nulla ac lectus. Aliquam pharetra, massa quis facilisis mattis, nisi sem finibus ante, ut finibus eros ligula nec sem. Morbi commodo finibus porttitor. In vitae odio ligula. Etiam non sagittis nunc. Donec porttitor mauris id consequat fermentum.

Integer euismod, urna vel facilisis consectetur, urna dui tincidunt ante, ac pharetra elit odio nec sapien. Sed maximus metus non fermentum auctor. Pellentesque a hendrerit eros, et cursus elit. Sed nec placerat dui, non varius erat. Praesent ac libero turpis. Donec condimentum nunc sed felis tempor dapibus. Nunc ullamcorper maximus dolor. Phasellus bibendum mauris arcu, a sollicitudin est gravida ac. Fusce dictum metus eget tortor ultrices consequat. Duis varius, lacus sed mollis sagittis, mauris elit dapibus ipsum, tempus iaculis tellus quam eu nulla. Phasellus laoreet nisi dui, quis feugiat justo ultricies eget. Aenean finibus tristique purus nec volutpat. Cras porttitor nisi erat, nec convallis risus consequat id. Nullam et cursus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur volutpat convallis ligula, sed laoreet urna dignissim quis. Vivamus consectetur lorem eu volutpat suscipit. Pellentesque egestas mauris neque, vel feugiat dui laoreet sed. Suspendisse at tortor fermentum, viverra mi in, finibus dolor. Praesent blandit venenatis fringilla. Nam tincidunt dui a lectus commodo malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce sodales dui sed odio tristique imperdiet. Aliquam blandit neque lobortis, ullamcorper odio id, euismod lectus. Praesent erat felis, tristique id turpis quis, dignissim venenatis arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Donec mattis dignissim sem, vel tincidunt lacus. Nam id efficitur ligula. Cras pharetra lacus eu magna molestie ullamcorper. Aliquam turpis tortor, porttitor a neque euismod, placerat vestibulum lorem. Nam ut aliquam massa, at lobortis magna. Pellentesque commodo, sem ut dictum feugiat, lorem enim aliquet mauris, quis mattis velit nulla ac lectus. Aliquam pharetra, massa quis facilisis mattis, nisi sem finibus ante, ut finibus eros ligula nec sem. Morbi commodo finibus porttitor. In vitae odio ligula. Etiam non sagittis nunc. Donec porttitor mauris id consequat fermentum.

Integer euismod, urna vel facilisis consectetur, urna dui tincidunt ante, ac pharetra elit odio nec sapien. Sed maximus metus non fermentum auctor. Pellentesque a hendrerit eros, et cursus elit. Sed nec placerat dui, non varius erat. Praesent ac libero turpis. Donec condimentum nunc sed felis tempor dapibus. Nunc ullamcorper maximus dolor. Phasellus bibendum mauris arcu, a sollicitudin est gravida ac. Fusce dictum metus eget tortor ultrices consequat. Duis varius, lacus sed mollis sagittis, mauris elit dapibus ipsum, tempus iaculis tellus quam eu nulla. Phasellus laoreet nisi dui, quis feugiat justo ultricies eget. Aenean finibus tristique purus nec volutpat. Cras porttitor nisi erat, nec convallis risus consequat id. Nullam et cursus

[Expand] Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur volutpat convallis ligula, sed laoreet urna dignissim quis. Vivamus consectetur lorem eu volutpat suscipit. Pellentesque egestas mauris neque, vel feugiat dui laoreet sed. Suspendisse at tortor fermentum, viverra mi in, finibus dolor. Praesent blandit venenatis fringilla. Nam tincidunt dui a lectus commodo malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce sodales dui sed odio tristique imperdiet. Aliquam blandit neque lobortis, ullamcorper odio id, euismod lectus. Praesent erat felis, tristique id turpis quis, dignissim venenatis arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

[Expand] Call of Corruption

News about the serial killings of several civilians surfaced during a post-tsunami meeting; a total of six lives were lost within the span of the events prior to the tsunami, with Captain Johnny Divine leading the Major Crimes Division with investigations. According to reports, the corpses each had an ankh - the symbol of life - carved into their flesh. Next to them or above them in blood, a message would gruesomely be written. Based on the modus operandi of the killer, it was decided that he would be named the Fate Abider.

"OUR LIVES ARE NOT YOURS" — graffiti written on a wall above a seated corpse marked with an ankh on their chest.

For several days after that, there were more news during the meetings of more bodies appearing about Los Santos in all kinds of locations, from far out in Paleto, to the very heart of the city, albeit at a lesser rate. It was then that Law was reunited with his brother, Noah Caller, once again in the holding cells of the Mission Row Police Department. The older had been arrested for Assault with a Deadly Weapon, alongside Evading and Resisting Arrest charges. Due to the violent nature of the crime, his DNA was collected by officers and recorded to the database.

During this reunion, the siblings were both surprised to see one another on either side of the bars. Law had no way to know or contact Noah since he had left, nor did Noah to his younger brother. They were both equally stunned, initially happy to see one another. Noah voiced his excitement to see his younger brother as an Awakened local, whereas Law was just happy to see his sibling in general. The initial joy died down as they both became aware of their setting however, and disappointment was evident in both of their faces and voices. After a couple more exchanged words, Law left to continue patrol, leaving his brother to be processed.

The next time a murder was committed, the graffiti had changed. Instead of the usual assertive phrase, a question was scrawled in its place, almost gnarlier than the messages before it had been. As if the Fate Abider was in a greater rage than he had been before.

"RETURN THE LAW" — new message from the Fate Abider.

This was again brought up to the meeting, and present officers tried to make sense of what was being said. While officers were aware that it was a message intended for officers, they were unable to make sense of it. Theodore Tinker quipped that it might have been in relation to Law Caller himself, who had been forgotten momentarily due to his absence in the meeting. This suggestion was noted down by Divine, although he prioritised other alternatives to its meaning.

Civilian murders have notes about why a cop who was once a local would be against the killings.
Eventually gets a message from Fate Abider to meet
Noah is masked, so he doesn't know who it is. Law refuses to join his cause, and so Noah reaches and backup cops shoot at him. A bullet nicks him and DNA is collected.
DNA test is run, and Noah is found out.
Law calls and tells him to turn himself in. Noah says okay, and asks to meet somewhere before going to MRPD. Law gets kidnapped.
Noah takes him around Los Santos to show him the abuse locals suffer at the hands of civilians. Law witnesses a civilian mock and assault Noah for caring.
Law feels something in himself change as he watches, and doesn't feel much remorse when he watches Noah kill the civilian.
Law is released without harm in front of MRPD, but the atmosphere around him is different. He heads off-duty to mull things over, refusing to speak with colleagues.
Noah sends him a text, telling him to meet so that they can dish out justice. Law stares at it for a while before deciding to text "omw".
Goes back on duty and radios about the text and location. The PD rolls in on his brother. The brothers have a talk before Noah attempts suicide but fails. He is arrested.
Divine offers to process, but Law refuses. After interrogation and before sending Noah off to prison, Law tells Noah "It may be against the law to take it upon your hands as a civilian or local, but it isn't for a cop."
Start of Dark!Law
[Expand] Call of Corruption

News about the serial killings of several civilians surfaced during a post-tsunami meeting; a total of six lives were lost within the span of the events prior to the tsunami, with Captain Johnny Divine leading the Major Crimes Division with investigations. According to reports, the corpses each had an ankh - the symbol of life - carved into their flesh. Next to them or above them in blood, a message would gruesomely be written. Based on the modus operandi of the killer, it was decided that he would be named the Fate Abider.

"OUR LIVES ARE NOT YOURS" — graffiti written on a wall above a seated corpse marked with an ankh on their chest.

For several days after that, there were more news during the meetings of more bodies appearing about Los Santos in all kinds of locations, from far out in Paleto, to the very heart of the city, albeit at a lesser rate. It was then that Law was reunited with his brother, Noah Caller, once again in the holding cells of the Mission Row Police Department. The older had been arrested for Assault with a Deadly Weapon, alongside Evading and Resisting Arrest charges. Due to the violent nature of the crime, his DNA was collected by officers and recorded to the database.

During this reunion, the siblings were both surprised to see one another on either side of the bars. Law had no way to know or contact Noah since he had left, nor did Noah to his younger brother. They were both equally stunned, initially happy to see one another. Noah voiced his excitement to see his younger brother as an Awakened local, whereas Law was just happy to see his sibling in general. The initial joy died down as they both became aware of their setting however, and disappointment was evident in both of their faces and voices. After a couple more exchanged words, Law left to continue patrol, leaving his brother to be processed.

The next time a murder was committed, the graffiti had changed. Instead of the usual assertive phrase, a question was scrawled in its place, almost gnarlier than the messages before it had been. As if the Fate Abider was in a greater rage than he had been before.

"RETURN THE LAW" — new message from the Fate Abider.

This was again brought up to the meeting, and present officers tried to make sense of what was being said. While officers were aware that it was a message intended for officers, they were unable to make sense of it. Theodore Tinker quipped that it might have been in relation to Law Caller himself, who had been forgotten momentarily due to his absence in the meeting. This suggestion was noted down by Divine, although he prioritised other alternatives to its meaning.

Civilian murders have notes about why a cop who was once a local would be against the killings.
Eventually gets a message from Fate Abider to meet
Noah is masked, so he doesn't know who it is. Law refuses to join his cause, and so Noah reaches and backup cops shoot at him. A bullet nicks him and DNA is collected.
DNA test is run, and Noah is found out.
Law calls and tells him to turn himself in. Noah says okay, and asks to meet somewhere before going to MRPD. Law gets kidnapped.
Noah takes him around Los Santos to show him the abuse locals suffer at the hands of civilians. Law witnesses a civilian mock and assault Noah for caring.
Law feels something in himself change as he watches, and doesn't feel much remorse when he watches Noah kill the civilian.
Law is released without harm in front of MRPD, but the atmosphere around him is different. He heads off-duty to mull things over, refusing to speak with colleagues.
Noah sends him a text, telling him to meet so that they can dish out justice. Law stares at it for a while before deciding to text "omw".
Goes back on duty and radios about the text and location. The PD rolls in on his brother. The brothers have a talk before Noah attempts suicide but fails. He is arrested.
Divine offers to process, but Law refuses. After interrogation and before sending Noah off to prison, Law tells Noah "It may be against the law to take it upon your hands as a civilian or local, but it isn't for a cop."
Start of Dark!Law


[Expand] Noah Caller

"I'll be honest with you: my parents didn't really have much to say about Noah leaving. Sure, they were mad and all, but well. Not much to say. In fact, there were exactly three lines repeated over and over, word for word, now that I'm thinking about it. God, that's so weird. Anyway - he left in a fit of rage. Is it weird to empathise with him? I can empathise with him." — Law Caller, to Matthew Espinoz

Law's biological older brother. Noah Caller walked out from their home days before Law gained 'consciousness'. (Eventually Noah and Law will meet in Los Santos, where Noah will be a serial killer with a modus operandi associated with civilian murders. Law will be forced to face his brother down, barrel of his gun aimed at the older as Noah smirks and challenge the more civil of them to shoot. This event leaves Law questioning his non-hostile nature to the civilians who show no remorse for locals, and results in him becoming more ruthless against them.)

Law Enforcement Officers

[Expand] Matthew Espinoz

Matthew Espinoz was Law's main FTO when he was a cadet. Law looks up greatly to his mentor, and is very protective of him, willing to fight anyone who treats Espinoz wrongly from even before he had changed from his pacifistic ways. He takes every one of his FTO's words to heart, and revels in every praise that is given to him by the older, often bragging to others about it later (despite the insignificance of the compliments). When asked (by another officer) if he would be thrilled to be adopted by Espinoz if ever, however, Law was quick to decline, noting that he would rather his mentor stick to being a mentor, even if he wouldn't doubt Espinoz's ability in parenting.

He is Law's second emergency contact.

[Expand] Cassius Kennedy

Affectionately referred to and saved in Law's phone as Cashus. Law's unprecedented yet appropriate partnership with Cassius Kennedy was named by the PD as the second coming of the Draidence duo. When Law was a solo cadet, they would sometimes go out on patrols together despite solo-certification. They bonded over being laidback, traffic stop kinda cops, improving the city one reckless driver at a time, although Law would oftentimes roll up to robbery and knife 911 calls - mainly to secure the area for the safety of locals. Rolling around in a cruiser together naturally allowed them to bond, and before long, they understood their boundaries with one another, resulting in an almost perfect tandem between them in all situations.

Since the corruption of Law's character, his bond with Kennedy began to wane. Law was no longer the beat-cop they both had been together, and Law focused his attention on violent crimes involving both civilians and locals rather than traffic stops. Law stopped rolling with Kennedy, choosing to patrol and investigate cases alone. However, he still trusts Kennedy best of the entire department, making Kennedy his number one emergency contact, still saved as Cashus, despite the nickname no longer being used as often.

[Expand] Jackie Snow

Stuck between respecting and hate because although Snow is a respectable officer, Law is aware of the times Snow has shot locals.

[Expand] Richard Dark

Respects that Dark has very strong morals and sticks to them. Respects that Dark views locals to be like other civillians, and that Dark will hold Snow accountable for his actions.


[Expand] Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur volutpat convallis ligula, sed laoreet urna dignissim quis. Vivamus consectetur lorem eu volutpat suscipit. Pellentesque egestas mauris neque, vel feugiat dui laoreet sed. Suspendisse at tortor fermentum, viverra mi in, finibus dolor. Praesent blandit venenatis fringilla. Nam tincidunt dui a lectus commodo malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce sodales dui sed odio tristique imperdiet. Aliquam blandit neque lobortis, ullamcorper odio id, euismod lectus. Praesent erat felis, tristique id turpis quis, dignissim venenatis arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.


[Expand] Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur volutpat convallis ligula, sed laoreet urna dignissim quis. Vivamus consectetur lorem eu volutpat suscipit. Pellentesque egestas mauris neque, vel feugiat dui laoreet sed. Suspendisse at tortor fermentum, viverra mi in, finibus dolor. Praesent blandit venenatis fringilla. Nam tincidunt dui a lectus commodo malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce sodales dui sed odio tristique imperdiet. Aliquam blandit neque lobortis, ullamcorper odio id, euismod lectus. Praesent erat felis, tristique id turpis quis, dignissim venenatis arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

[Expand] Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur volutpat convallis ligula, sed laoreet urna dignissim quis. Vivamus consectetur lorem eu volutpat suscipit. Pellentesque egestas mauris neque, vel feugiat dui laoreet sed. Suspendisse at tortor fermentum, viverra mi in, finibus dolor. Praesent blandit venenatis fringilla. Nam tincidunt dui a lectus commodo malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce sodales dui sed odio tristique imperdiet. Aliquam blandit neque lobortis, ullamcorper odio id, euismod lectus. Praesent erat felis, tristique id turpis quis, dignissim venenatis arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.


[Expand] Mel Rickenbacker

One of Law's first arrests and petty tormentors. Law met Mel Rickenbacker during a traffic stop as a cadet, which led to a car chase. Since then, they have repeatedly met, with one incidence having Mel kidnap Law to have him dress in one of Reed Dankleaf's strange outfits, before posting it on Twatter captioned "This is the Law LOL". Despite brazen proof of the kidnapping, as well as the (not) subtle name drop, Law chose not to pursue the elderly man's arrest so that the event would never be associated with him. Mel also makes it a point to torment locals when Law is within eye-shot, intentionally riling him up and bringing out the darker side to Law. As so, Mel was one of the first individuals to have discovered the inner potential of Law to be cruel, and was on the path of corrupting him.


[Expand] Regan Reyes

Reached a mutual understanding, where they would both turn a blind eye to one anothers actions as long as it fell into their respective purposes. If Regan hurts a civilian that has hurt another, whether they be locals or other civilians, Law arrests Regan only to let him walk free. On the other hand, Regan remains silent whenever Law hurts civilians who have wronged locals.

  • "WATCH OUT FOR THE- Oh god, he's dead." — said about a local when Cletus Cornwood was driving.
  • "PUT THE SHOOTY DOWN OR YOU WILL BE TASED." — said despite having been instructed by Matt Rhodes to shoot the suspect with a gun should they reach.
  • "So what exactly is a skin flute?"
  • Cassius Kennedy: "Not a single crash! We can't call you Law-50 anymore." / Law: "Law-50- I mean, primary 10-50!"
  • "486 REQUIRES FIFTY-TWOS! AAAAAHHH-" — after spinning out on a car chase, seconds before death.
  • "You're right, Noah. They don't see us - us locals - as people. We're nuisances. I know that - I hear it all the time, even from my colleagues. But y'know what? These guys - the civilians, the cops, you and I? We're all people. We're people living our lives out here, in Los Santos. If the locals don't deserve this... discrimination, then neither do the civilians. We all have the right to live, not the right to judge." / "Know this. You may not have the right to make a change, but us cops have a right to serving justice. I do, Noah. I do."
  • His name literally means "Localler", which alludes to his background as a 'Local'.
  • Wants to be K9-certified eventually.
  • Enjoys his new life as a civilian, but despises the brain issues that comes with it. As a local, he has never experienced head pops, headaches, tsunamis, blinks per second, and all else that all civilians experience.
  • Has been Cletus Cornwood's partner for a total of one time and will never be riding with him ever again.
  • When locals are involved, Law is likelier to get more violent. Especially when civilians are the perpetrators.
  • Ever since joining the PD, he has been keeping a record of Law Enforcement Officers who have assaulted locals either in front of him or reported through radio. He doesn't do much with it, though, but at the moment Cornwood tops the list. Law may or may not be contemplating kidnapping and instilling fear in the BCSO Captain.
  • Worth: 0USD/0AUD
  • Designer: Picrew
  • NFS/T

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