noddsy poppy-doodle.



3 years, 1 month ago


don't rain on my parade
barbra streisand

01 — Profile

Name noddsy poppy-doodle
age 19
gender trans female | she / her
height 4'10"
Birthday april 1st
nationality british
ethnicity white-british
orientation bi-asexual
ultimate weather broadcaster

  • "someone of my status has a lot of people lined up to meet me!"

  • "stop speaking gobbledegook."

  • "absolutely ridiculous, a load of hullabaloo!"

  • "jane austen did NOT write jane eyre you neandergan."

  • "fans? are you...famous?"

  • "apologies for my rudeness earlier, rain on your dress does that to a pretty woman!"

  • "i broadcast the weather! it's normally such a snore, but i've been told by many that i have camera charm!"

02 — Personality

"the world is mine to take by storm !"

a princess with no royalty to her name, noddsy is the definition of prissy and snobbish. those in england would recognise her as the face behind the weather broadcasts at 8pm daily. confident in herself, noddsy holds her standards high and her head higher. she can often act snooty, yet all curtness and judgement would suspiciously disappear once someone rich catches her eye.

  • high-end fashion

  • expensive jewelry

  • ballet

  • glue

  • fake diamonds

  • dolls

  • bootleg brands

  • second-hand clothes

03 — Background

Public bio

excerpt taken from:

noddsy poppy-doodle is a weather broadcaster working under the radio station, newsmagoria. born on april 1st, noddsy has always been under the spotlight, as a child she starred in small roles for indie movies, though her natural camera presence had her rising up the social ladder fairly quickly, being handed larger roles for larger scaled movies only a couple months into her career. starring in movies such as “the eye’s wonder” and plays such as “pretty lady”, as a child, noddsy made a name for herself in the acting industry.

more roles would be handed to her, noddsy performing excellently, according to critics. at the peak of her career, noddsy started to reject all projects for a couple years. although there were many rumours as to why this may be, such as burnout or wanting to reject the spotlight, none would be confirmed by the young actress.

at 16 she’d pick up a few smaller projects, though none captured the fame she once had. at 18 would announce that she would be taking an indefinite hiatus in acting. what came as a shock to remaining fans is that a year later, noddsy would land a job at newsmagoria, a new, yet relatively popular radio station, as a weather broadcaster.

newsmagoria quickly picked up more steam with the return of the former child star, it seemed her natural charisma in front of a camera never aged with her. bringing in both old fans and new, noddsy’s presence in the news station skyrocketed views. while the forecasts were reportedly not very accurate, a survey conducted by newsmagoria would show that people would generally tune in for the weather because of their newest employee. with all the traction that she has brought to her company, noddsy earned herself the title of ultimate weather broadcaster.

noddsy still works with newsmagoria today and is one of their most well-known members of the crew. there are instances of recent interviews with noddsy, albeit small ones. although it seems she’s not too keen on discussing her former acting career, she has stated that she may consider going back into it.

04 — Trivia

  • noddsy's voice claim is maribelle from fe:awakening.

  • noddsy is a huge theater kid, her favourite play is my fair lady.

  • noddsy has starred in 10 movies and 5 plays total.

  • noddsy speaks her own made up language called noddsynese! she also ignores questions asking their meaning.

  • ...

05 — relationships


no matter how famous or rich val may be, they still invoke a one-sided hatred from noddsy. although it's poorly concealed by a noticeably fake friendly demeanour. somehow, it's seemingly effortless for noddsy to always find herself at her wit's end with them.



