Commissions ✿



3 years, 1 month ago





  1. OPEN
  2. OPEN
  3. OPEN



  • Put what you're willing to write here
  • Fanfiction
    This includes but is not limited to:
    • Canon x Canon
    • Canon x Original Character
    • Canon x Reader-Insert
    • Canon x Self-Insert
  • Original Fiction featuring original character(s)
  • RPF (Real People Fiction)*
    *Only if the person/ people in question have given their express permission. The person/ people in question must be aware of the content/ subject of the commission. Proof of permission as well as contact information (e-mail or social media) must be provided.
  • Any point of view (i.e. First POV (I, me, we...); Second POV (You); Third POV (He, she, they...))*
    *Do note I am least proficient at second POV, though am fully capable of doing so
  • Any genre except Sci-Fi
  • Backstories/ Biographies for Original/ Fan Character(s)
  • Lore/ Worldbuilding
  • Chaptered Stories
  • Explicit/ Implicit Sexual Content*
*Enquire, as it is highly dependant on the specifics Characters/ Couples of any orientation Polyships Personal/ Non-commercial Use and Commercial Use


  • Put what you're not willing to write here
  • Pedophilic relationships
  • Beastiality
  • Interspecies relationships
  • Poems


  • $2USD/ 100 words to account for conversion
  • Ask for commercial prices if required
  • Commission orders must have a minimum of 0 words
  • There is a current hard limit of 10k words per piece
  • If at any point I write over your paid word limit, it will come at NO extra cost to you
  • The price tables below are to help give an outline for how much each word count would cost
  • I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have about pricing, feel free to simply ask
100 words $2USD
500 words $10USD
1,000 words $20CAD
1,500 words $30CAD
2,000 words $40CAD


  • NSFW prices will be dependant on the nature of the writing. More explicit pieces require a higher upcharge, whereas implicit writings often won't vary particularly wildly from my original prices. Ask specifically about the content of the NSFW request as it may change prices, and generally whether or not I would be willing to write it.


  • POINT OF VIEW: Unknown
  • RATING: Unknown
  • GENRE: Unknown
  • This is an excerpt. The full version can be found here.

Cras ex sem, tempor in sodales malesuada, ultricies nec ipsum. Integer eget maximus urna. Suspendisse ex diam, tempor ac lacus in, aliquam blandit eros. Duis sit amet blandit nisl, vitae elementum tortor. Aenean id molestie lectus, vel viverra dolor. Suspendisse ac eleifend velit. Nullam nulla sem, placerat vel sagittis eget, viverra sed sapien. Praesent vitae malesuada turpis, at luctus libero.

Vestibulum a erat et sem blandit sodales quis et augue. Donec eros odio, consectetur ac arcu in, commodo condimentum sem. Vivamus dictum maximus erat sit amet semper. Nunc in tristique purus. Sed facilisis nec neque sit amet lobortis. Sed condimentum ante a condimentum imperdiet. Curabitur in nulla euismod, vulputate lectus id, rutrum sapien. Donec a ornare felis. Vestibulum consectetur risus eget dui rhoncus, nec sodales massa gravida. Aenean condimentum massa vel eleifend malesuada. Proin feugiat diam at mauris facilisis pulvinar. Nam vel congue quam.

Maecenas aliquam venenatis fermentum. Duis viverra ligula purus, eget rhoncus justo pharetra a. Fusce euismod enim dictum pharetra rhoncus. Nunc maximus lacus at leo laoreet, in pellentesque ligula commodo. Phasellus malesuada, neque eget tempor commodo, ex quam vehicula mauris, aliquam rutrum est leo ut diam. Donec eu efficitur arcu. Aenean vel nisl urna. Etiam sit amet dictum enim. Quisque quis nibh ut est maximus varius quis sed nisl. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec tempor malesuada est, quis suscipit sapien egestas sed.

  • POINT OF VIEW: Third
  • GENRE: Biography

When is comes to business and knowing how to capitalise off of her own empire of success, Juno is incredibly intelligent. She knows how to market herself and her content in a way that sparks just enough outrage to keep her in the public eye consistently. Near everything she does in this regard is extremely calculated and planned in a manner to keep up her seemingly infinite relevance. She plays her cards right every time, keeping balance between entertaining enamoring fans, and creating a scandal just big enough to make critics shake their heads at her antics. You name it, Juno has probably done it, and been cancelled for it. Been arrested live? Of course. Done some questionable cosplays? Only natural. Made some controversial tweets? Daily. And yet, she's reached this balance of sweet, innocent, unknowing angel, and ultimate 'edgelord' so much so that it's difficult for outsiders looking in to fully chastise her for her actions. Her loyal fans are like a hivemind, swarming to attack, dox, threaten and harass anybody that says anything negative about their 'queen'. In fact, her niche corner of the internet has gained a name for itself, with her fans being brandished as extremely toxic and hateful individuals with a complete lack of awareness for the fact that their relationship with Juno is purely parasocial.

  • POINT OF VIEW: First
  • GENRE: Horror

Each tense moment caused the beat of my heart to rise a point more. Why. I knew the reason we were there, of course. My fingers rested upon the top of my camera set, slowly guiding the lens to follow each individual as they calmly proceeded from scene to scene. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, revelling in the atmosphere with true sincerety. Why was it different for me?
A hand laid itself upon my side, spindly but delicate fingers, with the impression of a glossed ring digging furiously into my hip, causing me to snap from my stupor. It was Eleanore, the lead. I hadn't spoken to her much in our time on set, only conversing once over the crunch of a bourbon cream biscuit. How she even knew my name was beyond me. After all, most the cast seemed far too uppity to bother themselves resolving the name of an unimportant crew member. And yet, something was different. Her expression seemed calm, yet glazed. Almost as though everything she had once been was no longer present. As though when she spoke, it meant nothing in reality. Why was I still hooked to her every word? Her cold look shifted within an instant, a bubbly smile replacing her tightly clad lips. Yet her eyes. They had no sparkle, no life.

  • POINT OF VIEW: Unknown
  • RATING: Unknown
  • GENRE: Unknown
  • This is an excerpt. The full version can be found here.

Vestibulum et justo at lorem mollis pharetra. Pellentesque vulputate interdum mauris eu maximus. Mauris metus diam, lobortis ut arcu in, mollis fringilla dolor. Nunc a libero luctus, porta orci eu, luctus sem. Aenean posuere massa tincidunt finibus pellentesque. Suspendisse vestibulum diam sit amet tellus dictum bibendum. Aenean mauris libero, porttitor ut vestibulum in, finibus non mauris. Nulla vel diam eget odio suscipit auctor non vel elit. Sed dictum consectetur eros ut fermentum. Phasellus in orci nec nisl malesuada ultrices. Proin mi erat, tincidunt in magna ac, iaculis pharetra mauris. Maecenas justo odio, pellentesque vitae orci eget, suscipit sollicitudin lorem. Phasellus sit amet tincidunt leo, sit amet convallis metus. Vestibulum viverra malesuada nisi, id ultrices felis convallis quis. Ut in scelerisque metus.

Vivamus eget sapien sed sapien congue condimentum at sed quam. Curabitur facilisis condimentum diam, in laoreet sem sagittis eget. Pellentesque eu lectus eu lectus euismod scelerisque. Maecenas at placerat neque. Vivamus cursus sagittis sapien, at tincidunt massa consectetur et. Mauris vitae commodo eros. Aliquam id turpis a libero faucibus egestas. Integer porttitor laoreet neque, nec mollis mi. Quisque non viverra orci. Proin ullamcorper aliquet lectus, vel lacinia felis placerat non. Donec sollicitudin gravida ligula, at varius velit egestas eu. Quisque mattis mattis turpis, et pulvinar felis porttitor non. Phasellus quis sodales velit.

Aliquam laoreet, neque quis dictum finibus, lorem leo commodo urna, quis molestie quam orci a lectus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce feugiat mauris non quam mattis, vitae vestibulum dui feugiat. Vestibulum et neque congue, congue enim at, ullamcorper augue. Suspendisse nec scelerisque lacus, a fringilla sem. Suspendisse sit amet lacus commodo, mollis elit a, laoreet est. Nulla sollicitudin non quam vitae pretium. Suspendisse commodo auctor est, nec iaculis est fringilla vel. Ut bibendum libero non lacus dictum, vitae fermentum mi ornare. Sed id molestie magna. Phasellus leo elit, dapibus vel ante in, porttitor pharetra tellus. Nunc maximus elit in malesuada placerat. Nullam vitae enim eget tellus tempus venenatis. Vestibulum justo quam, euismod at leo eget, tempor rutrum elit. Aenean iaculis at enim eu pulvinar. Morbi vulputate massa enim, et accumsan justo rutrum ac.

  • POINT OF VIEW: Unknown
  • RATING: Unknown
  • GENRE: Unknown
  • This is an excerpt. The full version can be found here.

Quisque at interdum ipsum, in commodo massa. Nulla nec libero non libero placerat vulputate. Etiam ultricies leo tristique, ultricies lectus eget, bibendum lorem. Cras in elit sapien. Duis ultricies nulla semper venenatis posuere. Aliquam suscipit, nibh at semper faucibus, nibh magna scelerisque tortor, id eleifend massa dolor in nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Morbi molestie enim leo, suscipit laoreet nunc dignissim at. Maecenas suscipit mi vel magna tincidunt porttitor. Aenean sed finibus ante, quis fermentum dui. Sed ornare enim quam, eget imperdiet arcu molestie ac. Fusce eget erat nulla.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec ac orci feugiat, tincidunt purus ut, cursus mauris. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin ultricies quis lectus at efficitur. Phasellus a laoreet sem. Morbi dapibus gravida laoreet. Proin et vulputate ligula, non blandit dolor. Fusce malesuada pulvinar nulla ut malesuada.

Etiam sapien dolor, laoreet quis erat sed, lobortis molestie lectus. Nullam finibus velit in dignissim tempor. Morbi viverra tempor augue non sodales. Donec at tincidunt felis. Curabitur fringilla ligula eu elit vehicula, ac euismod est feugiat. Morbi dignissim mauris erat, ornare rhoncus est elementum sit amet. Suspendisse eget justo nunc. In sollicitudin metus eget imperdiet sodales. Proin eu laoreet risus, eget mattis lacus. Aenean sit amet eros quis neque facilisis imperdiet.

  • POINT OF VIEW: Unknown
  • RATING: Unknown
  • GENRE: Unknown
  • This is an excerpt. The full version can be found here.

Integer porta scelerisque purus nec accumsan. Suspendisse commodo urna ex, id mollis ligula placerat eget. Quisque dapibus quis diam eu luctus. Pellentesque suscipit, quam a placerat cursus, augue lorem consequat velit, tristique imperdiet tortor leo sit amet urna. Donec tempor sapien rhoncus lorem imperdiet tempus. Sed ac nulla dapibus, fringilla orci eget, convallis diam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam at consequat elit. Suspendisse pretium arcu a magna interdum, ac fermentum justo euismod. Curabitur pretium accumsan congue. Nam bibendum aliquam est vitae dignissim. Cras fringilla nisi vitae congue convallis. Donec sit amet turpis ullamcorper metus dictum hendrerit ac vel massa. Aenean euismod malesuada nibh quis sollicitudin.

Integer volutpat molestie dolor aliquet viverra. Nullam non vestibulum sapien. Etiam vehicula consequat urna, in rutrum lorem tempor vel. Cras consequat augue quis purus hendrerit eleifend. Nulla ultricies odio nunc, at bibendum dolor consequat sed. Fusce et posuere tortor. Ut consectetur ipsum in lorem maximus pellentesque. Vivamus placerat efficitur nisi id fermentum.


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