Seiji Shinohara



3 years, 1 month ago



Cis Male

Seiji is a good but stoic man, a civilian in the world Kira is attempting to rule. He disagrees with Kira's methods on a base level, and therefore hates the concept of the man, and subsequently any of his followers who are open in their support. His boyfriend works for the Task Force, but that's the only connection to the case / investigation he has, and it's the only one he wants.

  • Name Seiji Shinohara ( 篠原 精二 )
  • Alias(es) / Nicknames N/A
  • Age 24
  • Gender Cis Male
  • Universe Death Note
  • Residence Tokyo, Japan
  • Species Human
  • Ethnicity Japanese-Canadian
  • Occupation Bartender
  • Sexuality Straight-leaning Bisexual
  • Religion Agnostic

  • Alignment Lawful Neutral
  • Positive Traits Optimistic, Intuitive, Intelligent
  • Negative Traits Stoic, Frugal, Workaholic
  • Outlook Time is finite, don't waste it
  • Strengths Patient, Independent, Honest
  • Weaknesses Skeptical, Dry, Reluctant
"Nothing lasts forever, so make the most of the time you have."

At a glance, Seiji is reserved, quiet and withdrawn from those around him. He keeps his thoughts to himself unless he needs to, and always thinks before he speaks. Caution is the name of the game. However, he's kind when approached. Sadly, though, the tone of his voice is rather flat and monotonous, which can make him sound sarcastic without intending to, or even rude. This is almost never intentional! And he usually feels bad about it if it ends up upsetting who he's talking to. He's an incredibly sweet man once you get to know him.

Other / Trivia

  • both his first and last names were taken from characters i like from games!
  • his personality takes major inspiration from the character he's named after, but i will not be saying what game bc i'm embarrassed :)
  • pretty much nocturnal due to his job
  • his sister's illnesses take inspiration from Nagito Komaeda
  • Optimist
  • Rude
  • Peaceful
  • Playful
  • Creative
  • Lethargic
  • Follower
  • Brave
  • Insecure
  • Intelligent
  • Wise
  • Forgetful
  • Impulsive
  • Neat
  • Curious
  • Awkward
  • Patient
  • Liar


  • rock / metal music
  • concerts
  • action / thriller movies
  • small animals


  • obnoxious people
  • tardiness
  • hard candy
  • being indirect


  • collecting greeting cards
  • hiking
  • origami
  • pottery


  • multitasking
  • hand-eye coordination
  • empathy
  • mixology

  • Hair Color Flax Blond
  • Eye Color Olive Green
  • Skin Color Pale ( Warm Undertones )
  • Height 5'9" ( ~175 cm )
  • Clothing Style Slim, Form Fitting, Neutral Tones
  • Skinny Large
  • Curvy Stick
  • Fat Muscular
  • Groomed Messy

Design Notes

  • Seiji's faceclaim is Kazuki from Akagami no Shirayukihime ( Snow White with the Red Hair ), and overall complies with that, aside from a few things that are listed below.
  • His eyes are narrower, more of a natural almond shape, and his eyebrows are thicker.
  • His build is stronger than Kazuki's.
  • He generally looks older than Kazuki ( sharper features, etc. ), bc Kazuki is canonically like 15 years old or something LMAO
  • His resting expression is much more impassive; he's incredibly dry.
Click for Reference ( WIP )

art by @onedivinemisfit


Birth and Infancy: Born in Ontario, Canada and lived there until he was about 4, when his father took up a job that brought his family to Japan. Relationships:Got along with both parents growing up, but his dad was gone a lot of the time because of his job, so he was always closest with his mom. Was a typical older brother to his sister after she was born when he was 5. They grew up close, despite the older sibling envy he had for a while. School Life:Seiji's entire schooling was in Japan, K-12. He was affable enough, which got him a few friends, but he was otherwise somewhat shunned due to his looks and dry personality. He got good grades, but didn't attend college. Adolescence:Seiji spent most of his free time as a teenager doing extracurriculars, always wanting to do something with his hands. His mother supported him, taking him to groups and stores to foster his creative side. He got a job when he was 15 at a local store to earn money so he could support his interests on his own; the owner of the store got him into the idea of bartending with recollections of people he met when he was younger and worked as one. Seiji went through a few more short stays at different jobs after the store shut down when he was 17. Adulthood:He started bartending pretty much the day he turned 18 at a tourist-y spot not far from his home, with the support of his parents. Seiji worked there for a while, almost two years, before graduating to a higher class establishment further from home, subsequently causing him to move out and into an apartment in Tokyo for the sake of convenience. Present Day:He still works at the bar 4 years later, though he's moved in with his boyfriend ( who he met almost a year ago ) since then. He helps take care of his boyfriend's son during the day, before he goes to work in the evenings.

art by @y_inzi


art by @EroMkk

Tadashi Sawada

( 沢田 匡史 )

Seiji's boyfriend. Despite the strain that Tadashi's job has put on their relationship, Seiji is undeniably head over heels for him. They've been together for ~9 months.

art by @Attoextra_nocpno

Tsubasa Sawada

( 沢田 翼 )

Tadashi's kid. Seiji loves him deeply, practically seeing him as his own son, too. Their relationship is fond, and he takes care of Tsubasa on the days that Tadashi can't make it home.

art by @Poi_Con

Naomi Kumar

( クーマー 直美 )

Seiji's younger sister, who he was extremely close to while growing up. She was diagnosed with NSCLC when she was 17, and later, Lymphoma. Her illnesses are terminal. Because of this, Seiji greatly values their time together and does his best to support her when he can. They keep in regular contact via texts and phone calls.

art by @SangledHere

Zahir Kumar

( クーマー ザヒア )

Naomi's husband. They don't talk much, but Seiji likes him well enough, and thinks he's a good fit for Naomi.

art by @SangledHere

Masato Shinohara

( 篠原 雅人 )

Seiji's father. He was distant from his son growing up, mostly by necessity due to his job. Now that Seiji is older, they talk more. He respects his dad a lot, loves him, too.

art by @SangledHere

Amy Shinohara

( 篠原 エーミー )

Seiji's mom. He was always closer with her in his youth, because his father didn't have the time to bond with him as much. He'd die and kill for her without hesitation. Very much a mama's boy.

profile html by Hukiolukio