


3 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info






Male, He/him/his

Sexual orientation



37 years

Height & Weight

6ft 4in || 10st 11lbs




He was deadly pale and terribly emaciated, with the protruding, brilliant eyes of a man whose spirit was greater than his strength. "
— Arthur Conan Doyle

A dead man walking.


• Diseased with fatal internal micro-parasites of alien origin, relying on frequent dosages of experimental medication to keep his infection at bay.
• Diverted his original, regular biochemistry work into researching the properties and cures for his sickness after his exposure.
These results soon caught the attention of government officials, landing Deadman with a role in their departments as an alien researcher.
• Had all known records of his previous identity destroyed following his new lease of life, as aided by the government.
• Skin and hair bleached to a permanent white over the years of dealing with his illness. His original hair colour being light brown.
Body hair growth also gradually came to a stop during this paling process.
• Blood cells are partially aged and damaged, holding an old, ruddy-brown consistency to them.
• Requires glasses, his eyesight worsening with the effects of the disease and it's treatments.
Despite poor eyesight running in his family, the rapid drop in his vision around this time is a direct effect of his conditions.
• Barely sleeps, inevitably causing him to be chronically tired.
• Constantly feels itchy waves of the parasites crawling through his system, the sensation only somewhat dulling after taking meds.
• Occasionally experiences audible hallucinations, though it's unclear whether this is a side effect from his sickness or due to unrest.
• Despite the scary circumstances of his situation, he still manages to keep his demeanour predominantly positive.
• Quite lonesome due to the nature of his work, making him rather talkative when others drop by his headquarters.
• Holds a special adoration for insects, loving moths and mantis the most.
• Currently taking care of an orphaned toddler, raising them as though they were his sibling.
Eventually hands the child off to a safer adoptive family later down the line.

Character originated from a dream.