


7 years, 1 day ago


Level: 4 (599/750 exp)
Strength: 5 (2)
Speed: 4 (2)
Magic: 5 (2)
Stamina: 3 (2)

Arpg Stats:
Titles: "Hatchling"
Guild: -
Items: -
Alignment: -
Monster kill count: -
Quests completed: -

Personality: A former pirate turned mercenary. Grasshopper isn’t afraid to steal if someone will pay her for the object she’s thieving, but overall she has far more honor than most thieves seem to. She refuses to steal from those down on their luck, and if someone catches her in the act she’ll willingly face down all the guards in the city rather than be captured - though if she needs to save herself she’ll jump into the nearest lake and swim far away. Grass may be a lot of trouble to various realms, but when something or someone important is lost they always know that the mercenary is willing to save the day… for a price.

She’s very jovial and friendly, loving to make jokes even in the middle of duels to the death. It’s perhaps a bit ridiculous how silly she can be in chaos, but it’s Grasshopper through and through - look for her in a crowd and you’ll find her easily - she’s always the one running about shouting and waving her sword dramatically in the air.

5 Likes: candy, treasure, anything with a sparkle to it, insects, fair duels

5 Dislikes: people who cheat (unless it’s her doing the cheating), mimics (how dare they be false treasure??), bright days, not understanding something, being mocked

Are they offensive or defensive?: Grasshopper, the honorable opelle that she is, would never flee from a duel if she could, but she also values her own life and if she thinks there’s no chance of victory she’ll run (though with a great deal of annoyance at being forced to do so). She keeps a curved sword on her at all times, a remnant of her pirate days, and she’s fairly good with it, preferring to strike first rather than be patient and wait for an opening. While this might not be the best tactic she does have a habit of overwhelming her opponents with her sheer amount of attacks.

What environment do they come from?;; Grasshopper’s beginning was in the crowded streets of Sunglow’s capital city.

Their philosophy/a phrase that describes them;; “For treasure, adventure, and glory!”

What element are they most associated with?;; Fire - Grasshopper is a raging inferno of energy and emotion.

Who or what is their closest companion?: Her tiny apprentice Midas is a constant in Grasshopper’s life as of late. She’s been teaching him everything she knows, and while he’s been going down a path of thievery she doesn’t totally agree with, she cares for him very much and would gladly lay down her life for him any day. Perhaps one day he’ll be even better than her! That’s her goal - to get a mercenary out into the world who can take down the evils even she cannot face. Unfortunately, Midas seems far more occupied with petty theft than helping others for money. She only hopes one day he’ll turn around - but this doesn’t chance the fact that he is a good friend to her.

What is their ideal time of day?;; A cloudy morning.

Do they like or dislike the void realm?;; Grasshopper hates it, and if she didn’t need to head there to hop realms and greet her fellow opelles she’d never go there. It’s so dark and quiet - so unlike everything Grass enjoys about going out into random places of the world. So the trips she does end up making there are short and quick, and she always makes sure her glow is on when she has to be there. What is the point of an endless, darkened place with no gravity and no sense of what’s where? She hopes one day she’ll be able to stop heading back there, to that quiet, gloomy place.

What do they view as strength?: She sees strength outwardly first. When you say strength to her, she sees the basics of throwing huge rocks, taking down huge beasts with pure skill. But give her a moment and she also sees strength as keeping to the truth. This is a type of strength that Grasshopper doesn’t think she has - she’s so conflicted between her life as a thief and her life as a mercenary and she doesn’t really know what to do anymore. To Grass, right now, she figures strength to be the willingness to do what needs to be done to keep herself alive. The best answer? Perhaps not. But it’s what she has right now.

Why do they fight?: Grasshopper fights for gold. While she’s starting to get some compassion in her heart for others, she mainly takes on tough battles not to prove herself, but to get enough money to keep on wandering the realms. There are those that can’t fight themselves but have the money to get someone else to do it for them - this is Grass’s job.

What kind of armor would they wear?: Grasshopper’s armor is very light. She keeps two simple metal shoulder guards on at all time, so that in case of trouble she always has some protection with her. The rest of her armor is a simple leather that can be taken on and off easily - it’s quiet, but offers some measure of protection.

Do they work alone or are they part of a group or army?;; Currently she takes on contracts on her own. She’s a simple warrior for hire, willing to steal or fight for whomever needs her help and can give her something in return. Sometimes she’ll do something with Midas, the thief she taught. But the majority of the time, she’s going solo.

Where did they learn what they know about being a warrior?;; Grasshopper didn’t really learn from someone or somewhere, per se… she just sort of fell in to it. The opelle had to teach herself defense to survive out in the great wide worlds. It’s an assembled mess of knowledge, gotten from watching others fight, trying out new tricks herself here and there, and endlessly getting thrown into duels she was far from prepared for. While this certainly meant a lot of wounded pride and injuries to tend to in the beginning, she’s slowly been getting a lot better at fighting, and nowadays she can hold her own in a fight.

Have they ever been in a fight they couldn't win? How did they come out on top? Or did they accept their loss?;; She’s been paid good money to get this job done. Very good money. And yet, here this mute, hesitant opelle stands across from her, armed with nothing but a staff. He is still standing. Grasshopper is not. She grips her sword tighter and forces herself to get back up to her paws. “I’m supposed to take you down for your past crimes against Sunglow! Stand down or this’ll be a lot harder than it has to be.”

Wayfarer looks at her and smiles. He says nothing but she knows what he’s trying to tell her. And then, suddenly, the old opelle turns and leaps down off the bridge they had been dueling on, into the water below. Grasshopper runs to the edge, sees him vanish into the void realm right before he hits the water itself. And then she sighs. Wayfarer could be anywhere by now, in any realm, and it would take ages to track him down again.

No matter what had happened in the past, it seemed like this opelle had definitely changed for the better. As Grasshopper started the long walk back to her employers, she figured that she could give up this particular contract. There would always be other things to do.

5 skills that help them with their tasks?;; determination, smarts, strength, sly wit, courage

Do they believe in luck?;; Absolutely! Luck is something that may seem hard to count or contextualize, but it’s very much there in Grasshopper’s mind. This is something that can help her out in a duel or help a bad robbery go right. Sometimes, things just happen, and she doesn’t know how, but it can be incredibly helpful.

