
Imperials think little of loyalty. It's sad. I... Grr... Wish to show them.


Han is an odd beast, hulking in size and stature yet gentle and soft in many ways. He spends most of his time following directly at Flair's heel and looking out for any dangers that might follow them. He's seen his fair share of bloodshed and not one person could bring themselves to question whether or not he poses a threat. Most people look at him with the same eyes they would a person walking a monster around town- a certain ring of terror evident. Han never seems particularlly bothered by this, though, instead choosing to ignore the looks he gets and pay attention only to those close to him. His loyalty is without question, and he serves without fear of pain or death.

Han is a quiet individual, finding the words of the Bound Empire to be a bit difficult to grasp. He speaks in short sentences at most and one word or a simple growl more often than not. He dislikes the written word due to never having come to grasp it, and often glares at notes and letters as though they've somehow offended him. What he seems to lack in acedemic intelligence, however, he makes up in wit. No one can best Han in the wild, as he is far more accustomed to it than those who were not raised in it. He fears little when it comes to combat, and does not seem to show any form of mercy to those foolish enough to challenge him.

Magic always shocks the tall beast just a bit, often causing him to jump or stare in awe. It has been a long time since the Feral Ones were able to access their magic- since long before the Bound Empire took it from them, and he always is in aw of seeing the practice revived again. He notably finds clothing a bit uncomfortable, and prefers to wear baggy clothes that more easily incompass his large amounts of fur. He's quick to overheat in summers, but dislikes being forced to bathe due to how long his fur takes to dry... He's not above whining, though his particular type of whining is more literal than most might be used to.

He is a touchy creature- often leaning too close for comfort to strangers or resting his head on close companions. He likes being large enough to easily lift the people he likes, as it makes his snuggling habits a bit more easy to deal with. He dislikes sleeping alone, but feels it would be somehow undignified in this strange culture he's found himself in to pile onto his companions, so he instead seats himself outside of Flair's room, just waiting for the next day when he feels less alone to return.


About personality here. Sed enim justo, blandit ac aliquam eu, condimentum ut sapien. Donec libero ante, lacinia pharetra eleifend aliquam, pharetra at arcu. Ut mollis tempus convallis. Quisque suscipit faucibus consequat. Sed mollis tempor mauris ut facilisis. Curabitur ullamcorper lorem vel dui dignissim, eget sodales nulla fermentum. Maecenas leo libero, consectetur ac vulputate eu, commodo in risus. Nam elementum semper leo in volutpat.

Design notes

Design notes here. Integer hendrerit leo ac arcu placerat, eu hendrerit arcu iaculis. Pellentesque et tristique sapien. Vivamus id condimentum magna. Quisque dapibus laoreet massa, a ornare augue lacinia eu. Quisque ullamcorper sagittis elit. Phasellus semper convallis eros pulvinar dignissim. Curabitur ipsum justo, tempor vitae ex id, tristique posuere risus. Etiam augue metus, hendrerit et scelerisque sit amet, varius sit amet enim. Etiam nec magna sit amet odio elementum ullamcorper sit amet eu nulla. Donec sollicitudin tortor iaculis ante interdum tristique. Etiam id fermentum est. Ut in malesuada nibh. In non pretium neque, nec sollicitudin tortor.


Han Inkblood
Cursed Wolf Feral One
7'3'' (221cm)
Fire Prince's Retainer
Fight Class


  • Sunning
  • Sparring
  • Glass Figurines


  • Written Word
  • Blood
  • The Emperor


  • Info
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Positive Traits

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Neutral Traits

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  • Info
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Negative Traits

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  • Info
  • Info


Backstory here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In luctus orci et lectus hendrerit gravida. Fusce at risus at purus dictum venenatis a vel enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis placerat massa nulla, vitae dapibus dui pulvinar quis.

Pellentesque enim purus, maximus vel scelerisque ut, dapibus nec est. Etiam hendrerit posuere interdum. Cras sodales maximus enim et hendrerit. Nam id tempus lacus. Phasellus finibus iaculis magna. Etiam magna nunc, ultricies placerat purus vel, elementum molestie ex. Vivamus in ultricies neque, sit amet aliquam mauris. Pellentesque eu dui augue.

Nulla consectetur, nunc vitae aliquet faucibus, ipsum erat lacinia lectus, non porttitor sapien purus nec nisl. Aliquam sodales orci eu dolor lacinia porta.

Sed enim justo, blandit ac aliquam eu, condimentum ut sapien. Donec libero ante, lacinia pharetra eleifend aliquam, pharetra at arcu. Ut mollis tempus convallis. Quisque suscipit faucibus consequat. Sed mollis tempor mauris ut facilisis. Curabitur ullamcorper lorem vel dui dignissim, eget sodales nulla fermentum. Maecenas leo libero, consectetur ac vulputate eu, commodo in risus. Nam elementum semper leo in volutpat.


  • Never learned how to read and seems to have some sort of disorder preventing him from learning well. He's noted others from his clan new how.
  • Bleeds an inky black color. Often cries or drools it too. This is a sickness he inherited when his land was overtaken by the Bound Empire.
  • Tries to wear tailsmens to impower him and prevent himself from flying into rages, as well as stave of the "ink curse".
  • Uses a sword occasionally, but usually just breaks out his claws for fighting.
  • Gets sick if he eats too many vegetables and not enough meat, but will still eat anything you put on his plate.