Veronica Bell



3 years, 2 months ago


"If the proper authorities won't deal with the horrors and corruption of this city then I will do what they fail to do."

Veronica Bell's story is tragic and unforgiving. Losing both her parents due the gang extortion in her local area, her two brothers shot and killed during a gang shootout, and her older sister a victim of sex trafficking, rape, and drug abuse due to her kidnappers. Everything that happened to Veronica some would say a stroke of bad luck other say she was cursed at birth. Everyone she has ever loved died in some horrible and tragic way. After all what has happened, she grew to resent both gangs and the police. She hated every gang for the hurt they caused others and blamed the police for not doing enough to save her family. So, she made the decision to join the NHCP and at least stop this from happening others. But it turns out the NHCP was just as corrupt as they were useless. But she held out hope and met a man with the same goals as her. Roman Kord Leader of the Jaws of Hell, also known as Warden. She became his insider to the NHCP internal network using their network and gear to conduct their operations and He became her wrath incarnate taking out gangs, rescuing those who were in danger, and exposing the corruption in the city. With the two together they grew to be close friends, with Veronica wanting more than that.