


7 years, 7 days ago


★ Alona ★

shy ☆ curious ☆ lost

"Oh no..."


Name || Alona
Name Meaning || Feminine form of Hebrew Alon, meaning "oak tree."
Gender || Female
Age || 17 years
Sign || Gemini
Ethnicity || American
Orientation || Hetrosexual Hetroromantic
Occupation || None
Status || sneezing
Theme || theme song

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☆ About

“Alona is my first viscet, and I will admit it took me a bit to connect with her design, but after doodling her for a while I ended up becoming super connected with the stories that I wrote with her. She is my love.” -Goooodra

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☆ Personality

Alona doesn't really talk much at all since ever since she came out as being herself, she hasn't really felt like herself. Having these feelings, she is always thinking. Since she thinks, she doesn't normally pay attention to anything that is happening around her. It's hard to strike up a conversation with her since she's like this. Although she doesn't talk much, Alona is actually very kind. She is always apologizing for spacing out. When she is paying attention, she is paying close attention. Very close attention. Because of this, if you need to vent she is there for you, though she may ask you to repeat yourself a couple times during your story. She forgets a lot of things easily, so she's constantly asking for reminders on what day it is, or what time it is, so she always carries her watch with her. She's very protective of it.

★ Trees
★ Dogs
★ Flowers

☆ Allergies
☆ Spiders
☆ The Dark

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☆ The Forest Is A Scary Place

It was a chilly autumn afternoon, and the sky was covered in gray clouds. It was early in autumn, so only the leaf tips were starting to turn various shades of orange, red, and brown.The cottage that Alona lived in was brown and old, with the wooden walls constantly creaking with the wind. Although, Alona didn't actually mind at all. She loved the sound since she no longer believed in ghosts. She also loved the sound of the floor creaking when her puppy would waddle along in the cottage. The puppy was aa tiny rottweiler, who loved to play and sleep. Alona named the dog Duke.

"Mother!" She called as she opened the front door to go outside. "I'm going to take Duke into the woods to play!" She grabbed the small puppy in her arms and stepped outside. The chilly northern breeze made the puppy shiver, though it didn't ruin the little thing's excitement.

"Now hold on!" he mother called back, making Alona stop in her tracks. "Yes, mother?"

"Did you take your allergy medicine?" her mother asked, full of concern. "You know how sick you get when you go into those woods."

Alona rolled her eyes and kept walking. "I did," she lied. She didn't want to go back inside. Now that she was outside, and Duke was super excited, she didn't want to ruin it. "I won't be gone for long." I won't get that sick, will I? she thought as she entered the woods. She shook her head. Of course not. Allergies change over time right?

The viscet looked up at the tall trees above. The leaves were gorgeous mixes of green and red, as well as the bark smelling lovely. Alona was careful not to take too big of a whiff. She didn't want to go home just yet. She let Duke down on the ground and searched in her pocket to find a shiny red ball. She squeezed the ball and it made a squeaking noise. The puppy started barking wildly.

"You want me to throw it?" she asked, smiling brightly. "Okay. Go!" she threw the ball with all of her might. She heard it land into the bushes not too far away. She heard the rustling of Duke in the bushes as he searched for the ball. Alona rubbed her nose and sniffed.

She suddenly heard a squeak come from the bushes. "You found it!" she called out to Duke. "Come bring it back!"

The puppy shuffled around in the bushes some more but suddenly stopped as a bright light flashed in the sky, followed by a roaring thunder. Alona looked up and noticed how much darker the sky had gotten, and how there were little rain droplets coming down.

She sighed and began to look around for Duke as the rain started to come down heavier. "Duke!" she called, looking around. "Where are you?" The rain started to pick up the pace, and Alona began to panic. She whirled around, looking for Duke as she noticed how closed in her felt. The trees loomed over her, like a wave of an angry ocean. The grass and bushes began to grow longer like they were swallowing her feet and legs. She suddenly sneezed and began to wheeze. The forest was closing in on her!

"Duke!" She called again and began to cry. Well, she wasn't actually crying, it was her eyes watering from her allergies. She sneezed again and noticed a tiny figure a short distance away. Duke! She ran after the tiny puppy, calling his name. Another lightning strike flashed across the sky, causing a loud crack to be heard. The trees were closing in on her, and Alona noticed the small puppy get swallowed up by the trees.

"NO!" she called and actually started to cry. Through her tears and the loud storm, she heard footsteps come after her, and she felt someone pick her up. By the gentle way she was grabbed, she realized it was her mother who had grabbed her, and who was now carrying her back to the cottage.

Once inside, Alona's mother started to dry her off and force fed Alona her medicine. "Are you okay?" she cried. "I totally forgot there was a storm coming in! I'm so sorry! Where's Duke."

Through sobbing, Alona wasn't really able to say much. "The trees swallowed him!" her mother looked confused.

"The woods ate Duke!"

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☆ But I Think I'll Get Used To It...

image.php?id=2841693&size=medium&format= "Alona!" her mother's voice woke her from her slumber. She slowly opened her eyes and yawned. Soft dawn light shone through her cottage windows, and her alarm clock wasn't even close to going off. Why did she wake me so early? Alona thought with annoyance. She grabbed her glasses from her bedside nightstand and put them on. She grabbed her allergy pills and swallowed a couple. This will get me through the day I think. she thought with confidence, sitting up on her bed and stretching.

"Alona!" her mother called again. She stood up and fixed up her hair, then walked out of her room. Her mother was in the tiny kitchen. On the small table, there was a bowl of cereal. "Eat up," she said, washing a cup. "I need you to go out into the woods to pick berries before the storm hits."

Oh great, another storm. Alona swallowed a couple spoonfuls of cereal and sipped some orange juice. "Okay," she sighed and ate a few more bites. "I'll finish this when I get back."

Alona grabbed a basket that was also sitting on the table and walked out of the house. She stared at the sky, where it was half covered in clouds, and half covered with dawn light. She took a deep breath and walked into the woods, staring at the ground. She thought that if she didn't look at the trees, the trees wouldn't swallow her up. She walked slowly up to the berry bushes and started to pick the blueberries that were beginning to grow.

Suddenly, a large gust of wind blew Alona's basket from her paw, making berries go flying. She gasped and tried to pick up all of the berries. She reached for her basket but it got blown from another gust of wind. She growled and chased after it, reaching up and trying to catch it. The wind carried it as if it was holding on tight. Alona sniffled a small bit, she started to have an allergic reaction to the leaves.

She tried her best and she finally was able to reach her basket. She grabbed it from the sky and slammed it on the ground, accidentally crushing it slightly. She looked at it and sighed. I'm going to have to weave another one. she huffed and stood up to go home empty handed until she realized that she didn't know where she was. Alona's stomach dropped as she came to this realization. She whirled around, trying to find surroundings that were familiar, but she couldn't figure out where she was.

And as soon as she realized she was lost, the forest began to close in. The darkness started to overcome her and was going to be swallowed. Without knowing what to do, she laid down in a ball and began to cry. She couldn't go anywhere and she couldn't find anyone. Was she going to die?

Before she accepted her fate, she noticed a green glow that was coming from somewhere. She looked around slightly, to try and find the source until she realized that she was the source.

She was able to find the energy to look at her body. The green markings on her body were glowing! Out of confusion, she looked around at the woods, and everything was normal, except darker from the clouds. Everything around her was covered in a soft green glow, which lit up the way. She noticed that fireflies were surrounding her as if she was a firefly herself. She couldn't help but smile at the small bugs, whose light seemed to have lit a path, that her cottage was only a few meters away.

Out of pure excitement, she got up and ran to her cottage. "Mother! Mother!" she called. Her mother came out of the front door and stared at her daughter.

"Where are the berries? Why are you glowing? Where have you been?" she asked frantically, hugging and petting her daughter.

"I was lost! But then I started glowing, and I found my way back!" she answered. She could tell her mother was confused, but that didn't ruin her spirits. "Did you know my markings can glow?"

Alona's mother shook her head. "No, I didn't..."

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