


7 years, 3 months ago


"Sure, rules are important, but you can't let them rule your life. I'd be dead if I had"

Name: Dia

VA: Carolina Ravassa

Species: Twi'lek

Age: 8 (Phantom Menace)/ 18 (Attack of the Clones)

Birth Date: 40 BBY

 Gender: Female

Home world: Nar Shadda

Current residence: Coruscant

Classification: Jedi

Specialization: Guardian - An Ever Enduring Wall

Weapon: Dual Phase Curved Hilt Lightsaber

Crystal Color:Blue

Fighting Style: Form III Soresu, Proficient in Form IV Ataru

Affiliation: Jedi Order

Former Affiliations: Hutts


+ Friendly + Tactful + Empathetic + Determined + Joyful - Sarcastic - Cunning - Feisty - Unpredictable - Stubborn


History- Second daughter to a Dancer and born into slavery on the Hutt controlled world of Nar Shaddaa, life didn't seem to look to bright for young Dia. Thankfully, things aren't always as they seem. When Dia was the young age of 3, a visiting Jedi had come to feel Dia's connection to the force, and took great risks in getting the girl offworld. Everything went through without a hitch, a rare sight in the galaxy as it seemed. Dia's life as a Padawan was the same as any other. The girl had a powerful love for learning, and was good at what she did, but something always felt a bit off about her to many. The girl was smart, but there seemed to be more to it. Her unorthodox mannerisms and Perceptive mind seemed beyond that of her peers. It was speculated that the girl had the ability of Force Empathy, but only time, and maybe a master, would be able to tell if this were true, or if she was simply a bit of an oddball. Phantom Menace- Having had just recently become a padawan to --, Dia was eager and excited to begin her training in the outside world. Dia would also have her first run in with someone who become a reoccurring figure in her life, for better or for worse. Attack of the Clones - Ten years after the invasion on Naboo and the apparent return of the Sith, Dia has matured significantly, but has retained her rather unorthodox, mischevious, and unpredictable mannerisms. Even her dress style is considered a bit unusual for Jedi, but not so much for her species, evidently being proud of the beauty of her species. She is most often occupied with following her master as well as running the occasional solo mission and working within the archives, sometimes even making stops to assist with younglings. She had been searching for her family for some time by this point, though it was against the advise of many. Revenge of the Sith - durning her time in the Clone Wars, Dia had managed to develop into a well respected, though still unorthodox, Jedi. She was well respected for her strong will and quick thinking. It was her unpredictable tendencies that managed to save her life when Order 66 hit.

Post Order 66:

“My purpose in life has been lost to me, and I’m a danger to everyone around me. I have nothing left but the ground on which I stand and the air which I breathe. My only point of existence remains to sit and allow my flesh to fail me.”“

Even after the death of her master and so many of her friends, Dia managed to remain composed and virtually unaffected on the outside. She still seemed happy and even regailed a bit to the idea of her freeom from the order in a way. However, under her guise lay a deep seeded frustration and anger, one that had a tendency to materialize when confronted with her feelings, and reflected powerfully in her combat. 


Form III Soresu - Form IV Ataru - Force Empathy - Precognition


-Dia is known to be extremely unorthodox in her methods, which generally helps her get the upper hand in combat and adapting to situations, but it can sometimes be frustrating, and sometimes painful, for her companions when she doesn't feel like sharing her plans. 

-She has a habit of showing at the most random, but usually convenient, times 

-She has a sister that she secretly has a desire to find once again. 


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