


Gender: Female

Likes: Playing in the snow, building snowmen

Species: Paeus serpent

A race of creatures,aliens to our world. The inspirations of the old Chinese myth of dragon, serpent creatures able to swim through the air.
Their native planet is one with low gravity so their lithe forms are necessary to allow movement as they float through space, able to flex their forms fluidly to 'swim' to where they need to go. It also comes in handy traversing the stony mountains of their home planet in search for safety and food; as they're able to squeeze between rocks. The ridges along their tail and sides, along with the edges of their ears are hyper sensitive and act in a similar manner to a cats whiskers to help them understand when things are too big for them to pass through or they are in danger of being crushed. They have big eyes to allow sight in dark caverns, and their species is capable of many mutations depending on variations. There are no civilization-building species on their planet so they act as the top of the food chain and different varieties of the species exist.

Their interactions with earth were begun after a meteor struck their home planet, throwing some of the beings caught in the crossfire into space, flexible enough to withstand the blast but pushed out of their planets orbit by the impact. They survived the vacuum of space due to a strange body composition currently not understood, though were forced into a dormant state. Floating to earth centuries later, they woke, and desperately flew to the sky to return home. Inspiring many myths all over the world where they landed.They struggled with much heavier gravity, and the fate of these individuals was never determined.

Now humans are advanced enough to make contact once again with these old beings and they have much to teach them and much to learn themselves as they explore the new planet they'd been extended an invitation.