Arcy [Bagbean]'s Comments

Heya! ^^ I'm looking to trade some of my characters in here: I wanted to ask if anyone in there (maybe multiple or + usd add-on) interest you for this character. I just politely ask people if anyone would be down for a trade so I can give these characters a new home and maybe get someone I'd use more ^^ Just let me know if you'd be interested on someone by writting yes or no! <3 Thank u in advance!

I'm so sorry for missing this aAa" I will be trying to sell this griffian now though

Really np! ^^ How much would you be looking for them and the red lobster fornlee? :0

I believe I paid at least $100 on each but you could offer less, haggle etc ouo/

Would you be ok with $200 for both :0

Yeah that would be fine oOo/ would you want to DM me payment info, I can invoice you

4 Replies