Kith Dread



3 years, 6 days ago


Name Dread
Species Cinis
Personality Brave

Dread is the kith representation of my avatar character on Tattered World. Tw!dread in universe does not realize that before she stumbled into Hope, she was a kith species from a fallen remnant. Her species shapeshifts, and when she barely escaped her remnant and stumbled into Hope, Tw!Dread transformed into the first thing she saw before passing out- a Hope student. While she does not remember before and believes herself to be a Hope resident with faulty memory and a penchant for shapeshifting, some of her kith know themselves, but do not want to bring back past trauma they do not understand.

Tw!Dread's kith species, while good at shifting their forms, often have certain forms they are more comfortable with. This is a form that, if Tw!Dread were to remember, would be one of the forms most up her alley. At this point though, even if she were to remember, her elven form as become one she is most comfortable with.

Kith and initial designs are from Tattered World.