
Gender: Female

Age: 21

Birthday: April 18th

Height: 5' 3"

Hair color: Red

Eye color: Red

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Job: Princess

Loves: Phoenixes, Firework Festivals, Spicy Veggie-Meat Kebabs

Hates: Tactics Under Heavy Stress, Skirt Unable to unlatch, Mediterranean Tuna Salad

   Born in Nova Pharos under the Creed of Prometheus, Kenna is a Knight sworn to defend the last outpost/kingdom under the Creed. Growing up, she was already being trained as a knight by her family, forced to go in that direction even as a child. Her skills over time became greater than others being trained as a knight. However, the Creed wanted her to be more like an ambassador/princess, both to keep up appearances for people inside and outside Nova Pharos and help keep foreign relations from becoming too rocky.

   She felt uncomfortable while being forced to go through the ‘royal’ teachings, more wanting to get better with the blade but she soon ended up learning with and getting to know Nashira Aquaregis. They did not get along at first but slowly the two began to bond and get along. While training with her dad as an older teen, she began realizing she could combine both her ‘princess’ duties and her knightly duties even if her tactic strategies weren’t the best. She went to the elders and end up convincing them to allow her gown to be custom to act as a mini-armory for invading. Tho she had to prove to them that she could be both a knight and ambassador.

   When she became of age, she participated in the knight right of passage competitions as a helmeted and mysterious competitor. She ended up finishing in the top 5, far exceeding the elders' perception tho doing modestly during the ‘royalty test’. During her private ceremony for coming of age, she was branded with the Creed’s mark, unlocking her fire magic potential. Ever since then and all the way to now, she’s been considered a prominent figure within Nova Pharos, with her friendship with Nashira and her fiery personality being more well known than one would think. Between her duties as an ambassador and her knightly duties with her fire magic, she will not hesitate to defend her home and the teachings of the Creed.