


7 years, 3 months ago


Name: Autem Avius Persto
Age: 26 | 36
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 63 kg
Occupation: Major General in the Niflheim army, Ravus' personal guard, Crownsguard
Affiliations: Niflheim (as a sleeper agent), Lucius, Crownsguard (Officially)
Voice Actor: Yuriko Yamaguchi (Japanese) | Courtenay Taylor (English)

Quick History:
Her father is an Imperial captain and her mother was a native to Lucis before she left to be with Autem's father. Unfortunately, she got spooked when Autem's father was showing particular interest in seeing his daughter follow in his footsteps, so she ran back home with her daughter, returning to the Crownsguard. Autem never really fit in with many people unfortunately, and wasn't a generally well liked person. However, things started to look up for her after she learned of her grandfathers previous place in the Kingsglsive, and was given a chance to join the Crownsguard by Cor. It was an opportunity she took. Autem's case was a fairly unique one, and she was seen as an opportunity that could not be wasted. She was to act as a defector, returning to her father and joining the Imperial Military. She wasn't exactly comfortable with the idea, but she had no trouble joining and climbing the ranks, despite her status as a defector. Elated to have his daughter back, her father made sure she was well taken care of. It would be the biggest mistake he ever made. 
And so Autem's job was to lie in wait, acting as a sleeper agent and protecting Lucis as best she could from the opposite side.

  • Has a few run ins with the gang while they're still in the dark about her purpose
  • Occasionally looks after Luna by Ravus' command
  • Offers work anonymously to crew
  • Cue really annoying boss fight for everyone to learn she isn't actually a bad person.
  • Help smol
  • Offers them work a with knowledge of who she is now

Autem comes off as abrasive and cold, a woman without feeling. She rarely shows compassion or empathy, and is certainly not the most forgiving person. However, Autem does in fact care about a great number of people. But few care about her. She's a lonely and sad person, unsure what it feels like to have been truest loved.

  • people don't like smol
  • help her
  • She wants love
  • Tries her best but
  • Very dedicated
  • Extremely loyal to her chosen causes and friends
  • Gotta go FASSSST
  • V Smart
  • Tactful af
  • Hits like a TRAin
  • Overgrown gardening tool as a weapon

  • Noctis:

    • Knew eachother, but thats about it
    • Didn't really dislike one another, could be quiet together without awkwardness
  • Gladio

    • Respects his dedication, but thats about it
    • they don't generally get along very well because Autem is kind of an aloof ass
  • Ignis

    • Kind of relates to him, but it only reminds her that shes kinda stiff
    • Thinks he needs to learn some tact
  • Prompto

    • Gets along well with him actually, though not really by her own choice at first
    • enjoys his company
    • Listens to him talk because she never really has much to say
    • Particularly hurt by her "Betrayal"
  • Cor

    • Autem respects him more than anyone else
    • Gave her a chance
    • One of like, 2 people who knows about her status
  • Luna

    • Could be better, could be worse
    • Generally appreciates her spirit
  • Ravus

    • Trusts him and wants him to do better by himself and everyone else
    • She's one of his most trusted comrades by some point
    • It kinda makes her feel bad
    • Crush on commanding officer, stop her
  • Father

    • Thinks hes cray cray
    • Appreciates how willing he is to take her back though
    • likes the fake love

  • About defecting "No one would miss me." 
  • "You've got to be kidding me" Life motto
  • "If only you knew all the things I can't tell you." 

  • Boss Encounter

    • "Please just listen to me!"
    • "Don't make me do this!"
    • "I'm sorry!" (after landing a heavy hit)
    • "This isn't a fight you can win!"
    • "What have I become?"
    • "I tried to warn you." (Autem wins)
    • "Please don't let it be too late..." (Autem loses)

Autem- However
Avius- Aimless
Persto- Persist


  • Due to her status, Autem was given the epithet, and is less than affectionately known as, The Renegade.

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