


7 years, 7 days ago


Name: Senra Vexris

Nicknames: Sera, Red, Pots, Cyar'ika

Alias: Senra Katt, Kavi Chas

Species: Human

Age: 26 (Force Awakens)

Birth Date: 8 ABY

Gender: Female

Defining marks: 

Home world: Rishi

Current residence: Her Ship

Classification: Trader

Rank: Commander (Eventually)

Specialization: Mandalorian Sabeteour

Weapon: Vibro Knife, Rifle

Crystal Color: Blue Blaster Bolts

Fighting Style: Hand to Hand, Careful Planning

Affiliation: Resistance

Former Affiliations: Mandalorians, Independent 


+  Knowledgeable    
+ Self- Reliant
+ Compassionate
+ Tactful
+ Loyal
- Distant
- Harsh
- Passive
- Vengeful





Having trained under some of the most elite from across the galaxy, as well as having been raised Mandalorian, Senra is a very talented and well trained fighter. She is able to use a variety of weapons with ease, but seems to prefer her vibroknife and blaster rifle above all else.

Senra has very little trouble communicating with others, and is often seen as a charming individual and trader.
Senra is an exceptional mechanic, and has a powerful love of fixing and upgrading things. Her ship is almost completely modified.


    Born to a small Mandalorian clan, Senra was raised on the planet of Rishi. Raised by her mother, Senra never knew her father, being told he had died in battle, defending countless innocents against the First Order, as any Mandalorian would wish to go. From a young age, Senra was trained with the intent to one day become a warrior, just as her clan mates before her. While Senra was a capable woman when it came to combat, she never really seemed to be the type who would willingly seek out a fight. While she greatly respected the Mandalorian way, and followed many of their codes, she often saw war as a waste of lives and energy.
    Senra's discomfort with the Mandalorian lifestyle wasn't exactly a secret, yet Senra always tried her best to please her clan, and to protect them as best she could. However, her mother wished her daughter some form of comfort, even if she didn't wish to see Senra leave her people. So, at the age of 14, Senra was sent by her mother to an old "friend" to continue her training in what she thought might be a more comfortable environment for her daughter. She wished for her daughter to see the galaxy, and to know just how vast her life could be.
    And so, Senra was sent to Yavin 4 to meet with Omnira, an old associate who often used Senra's clan's services. Senra was tasked with training under Omnira's elite guard, and watching over the force sensitives training under Omnira. Before her mother left, Senra's mother gifted her with an old family heirloom, a talisman whos age had been lost in time. She warned Senra not to stray from the path she thought was right, and to never give in to rage. she urged her daughter to remember her code of honor, and warned her against trusting anyone around her too much. This was the last she would ever see of her mother.
    It wasn't long before Senra had managed to befriend some of the people within Omnira's temple. Most notably, Senra got along very well with a young woman named Zinra. The two shared a close friendship with one another, and found comfort in each other's company. The only person closer to Senra than Zinra was a young man named Selvio. Senra met Selvio during one of her first missions for Omnira. Senra was tasked with safely and secretly escorting a member of the New Jedi Order back to Yavin 4, as Omnira feared for dark times ahead, and had previous affiliations with the family of this member.
    While it was a challenge, Senra proved herself more than capable of finding the New Jedi Order thanks to old family associations and Omnira's contacts. All that was left was to safely and quietly bring the young Jedi back with her. Senra managed to somehow quietly corner the young Jedi, who revealed himself to be Selvio. He was hesitant to take her word at first, given her status as a Mandalorian, and the efforts she took to remain so anonymous, but an unlikely hand assisted Senra in convincing Selvio to come back with her.
    Luke Skywalker encouraged Selvio to head Senra's words, and to follow his own path, believing he must spread his wings to grow further. He advised both Senra and Selvio to follow their own paths, and to let no one and nothing dictate how they lived, Just as their parents before them. These words left both Senra and Selvio a bit confused and surprised. He had known both their parents? Had Luke known Senra's father? But she didn't have time to ask. He was gone before she could question him, and Senra knew it wasn't wise to keep Omnira waiting. Senra was successfully able to escort Selvio back, and, by the time the two had returned to Omnira, had formed a very close bind with one another. The two, along with Zinra, soon formed an almost inseparable bond. Unfortunately, these bonds would soon be tested in multiple ways.
    When Senra was 20, she received word that her clan had been decimated. Her family was gone. Her mother was gone. All that was left was a droid that was to be granted to Senra. Senra found herself devastated and lost, but, more than anything, enraged. She sought to return to her roots, misusing her people's codes to seek revenge, against Omnira's advice. Senra soon found out her clan had been devastated by the Republic, the very people they sought to try and protect. this news devastated Senra even further. She was raised to believe in the ideals the Republic stood for, and knew well of the horrors of the Empire and the First Order. But she had been betrayed by both, parents lost to both. Horrors committed by both.
    Senra left Yavin 4 with the droid, stealing a ship and beginning a hunt to eradicate those who had done her family wrong. She spent what seemed like an eternity hunting all those she found guilty of her clan's death, using information from contacts to pinpoint who had been responsible. It wasn't long before all but the ringleaders were dead. It was then that it had sunk in what Senra had done. She killed them all in cold blood. Destroyed them. and she had gone against her mother's wishes. There was no honor in any of the deaths. She had let rage consume her life, and could not even bring herself to return to Yavin 4, having betrayed even Omnira's trust. So Senra decided to try again. She sought to help others who had been devastated by either side of the war, doing everything she could to remain neutral. However, it wouldn't be long before Senra's past would catch up with her, and her knowledge of a deadly secret would soon force her to take a stand...




  • Senra is technically a wanted woman to both the the First Order and the New Republic due to her murders of multiple officials. The Resistance overlooks her crimes after she proves a useful ally against the First Order.
  • Senra loves her droid dearly, and keeps it close at all times, as it is one of the few remaining parts of her clan
  • Senra's primary goal is to find out everything she can about who her father is or was
  • Senra left Zinra and Selvio behind without so much as a goodbye. Both reacted in different ways when they met again. Zinra spends most of her time hunting Senra for information she posesses, but wishes no true ill will on her own friend, despite partly blaming Senra for abandoning her and allowing her to fall so far. Selvio was much less hostile, and was very happy to see his old friend alive and well. This meeting would soon re-kindle an old flame between the two.


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