wolfewolf53's Comments

So cute, I can offer art or a custom 

can i see some examples of art/designs and how much you think you can offer?

Well I’m willing to take up to 4 or 5 drawing plus a custom if needed, here are my examples:https://toyhou.se/5071119.art-lol

aaaa SORRY for the super late reply to this... i completely forgot to answer back. i'll take the 4 drawings for this oc, if youre still interested!

It’s okay, send what you would like me to draw

you can draw anyone from this tag!! https://toyhou.se/chuwi/characters/tags:1/folder:all/tagged:wolfe

ill list this character as pending now--

5 Replies

hey! wondering what the process on this character? i'm willing to give you the time you need if you can give me an estimate of when you can finish^^ if you just forgot thats okay too!! and if you'd like to back out of this character thats also totally and completely fine~

7 Replies