


9 years, 9 days ago

Basic Info




Looks like 23




1.88 m




Human beings (with some exceptions), overly happy people, much talking people, overly attached people, dogs

Family / Companion

A little fox named Hota (Hotaka)


Akuma was born in a great noble house of the underworld.
But as the second son he wasn't as important for the family as his older brother Akihiko. Often his parents did not even mention him to others and did not bring him along to significant meetings with the other great demon-families.
Only their teacher Fumio-Sensei noticed Akumas big potential when it comes to intelligence and fight. When Akihiko and their parents went to these meetings, Fumio-Senpai used this time to give Akuma extra lessons.
Akuma never made a real bond with his parents, especially because they were at home less time than they were somewhere else with Akihiko, so his teacher was nearly like a father for him.
After long training Akuma finally found his magical powers inside: Fire.
Because of this Fumio-Sensei gave a little black fox to Akuma, a companion against lonelyness. He said that one day it would help to maximize his skills. The fox's name was Hotaka, which means "step-by-step".
Fumio asked Akumas parents for a special training-place, so he could train with full power and develop his skills properly. He said that in the great house there is no place for him and with such unbelieveable skills he could get easily a leader of the armed forces. The parents consented and far away from the families house in an isolated place Akuma was supposed to train. Even his father showed up a few times to see, how his son was doing.
Then, when Akuma was about 20 demon-years (200 of our years) old a revolution from the lower social layers announced itself.
Fumio-Sensei trained very hard with Akuma and wanted him to be ready to fight them down, when they attack.
One day he woke up Akuma with a intimidating serious face.
They did the usual training at the beginning but Akuma sensed that something is going to happen.
Suddenly Fumio stopped and looked again with that face at Akuma. "Bring Hota to me."
Akuma was a bit confused, because usually Hota wasn't alowed to assist in the fight, or even watch them train. But when his wise master tells him to do something, Akuma obeys.
The fox happily followed Akuma and looked very naive in the arena.
Fumio-Sensei had uninstalled the dummies and told Akuma to leave Hotaka at the place one of them was before.
The young demon felt very uneasy when doing this. The fox fully trusted him and looked very satisfied the whole time.

"Now..." - started Fumio-Sensei - "...burn him down."

Akuma couldn't breathe for a moment and looked totally shocked at his master.
"Didn't you hear me? Burn this fox down."
"Sensei... Why? He will die!" The fox sensed Akumas despair and started to look around and feel insecure himself.
"Don't you trust me? I've seen your powers since you were born. So, do it. Burn him down." Said Fumio-Senpai with a very unpleasant voice.
Akuma shaked. He did not want, but his Sensei told him to. Maybe it was a test? If his own will was strong enough? Or maybe his loyality?
He positioned himself, murmured some words sounding like a snakes noise.
Than he lifted his gaze to the fox and immidiantly a circle of fire appeared around it, which turned tighter and tighter. Hotaka started to cry out loudly for help. Akumas heart started to hurt without mercy.
He jumped forward and from his hands came a big fire ball, which hit in the middle of the circle and exploded.
The young demon sank to his knees and looked at the fire and the little black body inside. The smell of burned flesh spread around. He was not able to move anymore. A tear came down his cheek. He didn't remember when he cried before.
"Now..." - Fumio-Sensei started again - "Go and look into his eyes."
"Sen..." - "Go."
Akuma stand up and moved slowly towards the body. The fire did not burn anymore, it only glowed a bit.
The fox's face was hidden beneath his paw. Akuma carefully grabbed the little thing and the wide open eyes of Hota made him shudder. But not only that. He liked to look into the formerly golden eyes of his fox, but now.. They weren't burned even a bit and turned blood-red.
The body shruged and suddenly the eyes turned into his direction.
Akuma recoiled and stared at the fox. Hotaka stand up and shaked off the grim from his pelt. His naive glance disappeared completely, but he looked a bit confused at Akuma.
Fumio-Senseo looked satisfied at both of them. "Akuma. You created the strongest bond between you two that is even possible. The bond of death. You did not want to kill him. That is why your fire took only his old life and filled his body with a new one. The one depending on you.
Now you two share your magic and if one of you dies, so will the other. I'm proud of you. Only very few demons get to this level and you are so young... Our training will concentrate on your co-working since now."
Akuma carefully stand up and the fox sneaked up to his shoulder. He understood that the real training started.

A few weeks later Fumio-Sensei was told to assist Akihiko and his parents in one meeting, Akuma was left out again and his master told him what he should train in that time.The young demon already was a member of the armed forces and allowed to train with his master and not with the other soldiers for the beginning.Three days later a general came to visit Akuma. The demon was very suprised but let him in.

Akumas whole familiy was erased. The revolutionists suddenly attacked their meeting. Fumio-Senpai was able to kill nearly all of the invaders but at least they were too many. The general asked the young demon to join the fight against them to to take revenge.

Akuma did. His anger overgrew him. He made a giant fire, slowly and painfully burning the whole revolution down like a piece of paper, while the burning Hotaka teared everyone up in the air.

As the only one remaining from his family he became the head of it and the armed forces made him the first general and leader.

Akuma was not happy nor satisfied with anything of that. From the day his family and master were killed, he changed completely.
Every kindness disappeared from his eyes and he never smiled in front of anyone anymore.
He sweared to himself that he will kill everyone who was connected to that revolution in any way and protect what his ancestors wanted to keep.

Only Hotaka is allowed to keep the deep connection, since he is the only one remaining for Akuma and reminding him of what happened.