


3 years, 2 months ago


"Ikus" Izanagi Mori
Demon Seed
  • cute/pretty things
  • aesthetics
  • pastel colors
  • being the center of attention
  • getting called cute
  • his garden [Eden]
  • his "children" (flowers)
  • social media
  • fashion
  • overuse of emoticons
  • things that are not aesthetic
  • monochrome colors
  • getting shut down
  • people thinking of him as lower being


Rather sweet to the outside, tends to sugar-coat his words and seems to get along with most people. He is shown to be the star of the show everywhere he arrives, keeping up this cute act, almost as if he was begging for attention.
However, under this facade, he has a really nasty personality. Everything he says can be twisted around (“I didn’t expect to see you here!” -> “You have guts showing up like this.”). He is like a double-edged sword and knows how to manipulate people to his liking.
While he has a rather big presence in social media, he is still bad at reading people.
Once a person peaks his interest, he would go great lengths to gain their attention and affection - even if it meant other people would have to suffer.
Ikus is shown to have developed some sort of god-complex. Ever since the death of his former love interest - which he played a critical part in - his mindset shifted a little more away from sanity. He is 'able to decide who dies, and when they die', as well as 'able to create new life forms out of wasted souls'. He sees himself as superior being compared to other humans. If something doesn't go according to plan, he will blame the world.
He doesn't have bad intentions, just a really twisted sight on reality; in his eyes, everything he does is justified.


Demon Seed
A quirk that allows the user to plant a demonic seed into the body of another person via saliva. It has to be planted in either an open wound of the victim, or through the mouth. Once planted, the seed - also referred to as ‘parasite’ - will spread its roots through the victim’s body and attach them to the nervous system, making Ikus able to control and manipulate the movement of the person. Even if the parasite is attached, it doesn’t necessarily activate. The parasite will remain in standby if it doesn’t receive any orders, leaving the host with full control over the body. The host usually doesn’t notice anything until the quirk gets activated.
The whole time the quirk is in action, the parasite can - if the roots reach the brain - also access and feed off of their memories, transferring gathered knowledge to the main body.
One of the quirk’s recently discovered abilities is Growth - if planted in a deceased human, it will not be able to attack the nervous system since the brain already died and can’t receive any commands; instead, the seed will become one with the body and convert it into nutrients for its growth. (Must happen less than 24 hours post mortem). It takes a long time for the Demon Flowers to grow, but once they have fully blossomed, they are shown to develop something similar to emotion and memories of their past lives. The flowers are for most parts immobile and kept in Ikus’ Garden, proven no use but supplying and transferring information so far.
The plants are able to silently communicate with each other, including Ikus - they form some sort of system.
The seeds don’t have to be directly injected to another person. It can also be taken in through drinks. However, if a parasite sits in a liquid for too long, it dies. Juice, water and similar substances allow the seed to survive up to an hour without a host, in alcoholic beverages they only live around 10 minutes before death.

Quirk Drawback:
Ikus’ quirk will automatically stop working once he falls asleep or gets unconscious. If the parasites don’t receive any commands, they will fall into something like a standby.
He cannot physically harm a victim as long as they are connected to the system - the pain would be transferred to him, too. The roots being forcefully severed from the nervous system would result in sharp pain. He can only harm the person as long as the nervous system remains unharmed and intact; sending impulses of great pain to the victim, as example. However, this takes much energy and concentration, so he prefers to just control their movements.
He would also be inflicted with pain, if his demon flowers were cut down or destroyed. Since they are a system, they share everything. The quirk can be avoided by severing the roots from the main body. (as example, a quirk user that could drop their limbs would regain free control of the limbs once the roots are severed from the parasite.)
Due to the constant flow of information, the system sometimes gets overloaded, which will cause headache to the point of Ikus vomiting, or deactivating the memory-transfer of the parasites and simply focus on the movement-commands.

Fighting range: Since he needs to inject the parasite into people, the most logical answer would be “close range”, but since it’s not a quirk that can be used in combat, he prefers staying on distance. Carries a pocket knife around in case situations get out of control.






Once his bullies' best friend, now his lover. He wouldn't hesistate killing for this man.


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