Mandarin £115



3 years, 26 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)

Basic Info

Original Value



NUMBER (?) Owner: Puddle                                          Species: Granthrax
Name: Mandarin
Age: 1 years
Birthdate: May 19
Bloodline: N/A 
Upload Date: April 20th, 2021
Sexuality: heterosexual
Gender: male
Status: single
Parents: n/a (adopted by ?)
Cubs: N/A
Personality: Shy | Inquisitive | Awkward
Darin is a shy little guy, often tries to hide his wings or make them less noticeable around others who have no wings. He's very curious and loves to explore the world around him - especially the water. If he could only hold his breath longer, he'd be a happy thrax. Darin is extremely awkward when it comes to other grans and never knows what to say, often ending up blurting out something random he instantly regrets.
History: ??

Random facts: 
-- designed by FallenStudios

Stats: STR – 4 | RES – 8 | WIS – 7 | CHA – 3 | DEX – 8
Traits: Ears: UC | Tails: R | Fangs: C | Size: UC | Eyes: UC | Horns: UC, UC | Wings: L

Mutation: n/a                                         Special Base: N/A

+ baby loaf (personal art) - £20
+ adult lines - £20
Current Value: £75 + 20 + 20 = £115

Owner: Puddle
Name: Mandarin
Age: 1 years
Birthdate: May 19
Bloodline: N/A 
Upload Date: April 20th, 2021
Parents: n/a (adopted by unknown)
Gender: male
Favorite toy or game: swimming
Personality: Shy | Inquisitive | Awkward
Darin is a shy little guy, often tries to hide his wings or make them less noticeable around others who have no wings. He's very curious and loves to explore the world around him - especially the water. If he could only hold his breath longer, he'd be a happy thrax. Darin is extremely awkward when it comes to other grans and never knows what to say, often ending up blurting out something random he instantly regrets.
Random facts: Designed by FallenStudios

Stats: STR – 4 | RES – 8 | WIS – 7 | CHA – 3 | DEX – 8
Traits: Ears: UC | Tails: R | Fangs: C | Size: UC | Eyes: UC
Alt Traits: Horns: UC, UC | Wings: L | Glowies: n/a | Feathers: n/a
God Trait(s): n/a
Sleeping Rot Traits: Mushrooms: N/A | Flowers: N/A | Plants: N/A | Branch Horns: N/A | Wooden Limbs: N/A
Mutation: n/a                                         Special Base: N/A