

"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go."

A hard-working young man, Thaddaeus is known around Savashall for being Zebedee's right-hand man. They're often seen together, whether it be working on something important, farming, or just walking around. They're inseparable, like brothers, as they often joke that they are, just from different mothers. Thaddaeus prides himself in being helpful in whatever way he can, and is not often spotted without a cheerful attitude, which makes him quite easy to work with. However, he does tend to be greedy, and likes to keep his things to himself, not trusting many others to handle them like he can. He enjoys making money but dislikes spending it or giving it away. He's also a bit timid, not as sociable as Zebedee is, although when the two are together it's a little easier to get Thaddaeus talking. A lot of that has to do with his history, but he's working on it and trying to make the best of it.


Name Thaddaeus
Age Appears to be 16
Gender Male
Height 5'5"
Scent Firework smoke
Voice Actor TBA
Occupation Jack of all trades (trying to be)
Status Single

  • Hard-working
  • Helpful
  • Cheerful

  • Greedy
  • Timid
  • Picky


  • He's a bit of a clean freak and likes to look clean.
  • Hoards anything shiny - things like that catch his eye.
  • Will not swim - afraid of the water and afraid of drowning in it.
  • Has a slight crush on Belinay but won't say anything because Wolfgang. Fear.

Design Notes

  • Markings don't have to be perfect.


Thaddaeus can't really tell you where he was born, all he knows is that he grew up with a travelling merchant/performer group. Because of his strange ears and tail, he became quite the popular attraction, and was always good at coming up with sales pitches. He drew in the crowds from a young age, and he did so for some time until he began to grow older. While he did age slower than the people around him, he still aged nevertheless, replacing his cute youth with something a little more graceful and mature, something that made the crowds stop ooeing and awing over him and instead just giving him strange looks. The group eventually did less performing and more traveling, with Thaddaeus remaining hidden in the cart most days, much to his dismay.

But then the group met another creature like him, a man with ears and a tail much like he had. He came from a place where people like them were normal... and while part of Thaddaeus didn't want to leave his traveling family, he did want to meet his own people. So after some time of thinking it over, and after some more time of his family convincing him to take the chance, Thaddie went up with the man, who's name was Zebedee, and went back to Savashall, where he was told was where he really belonged... well, to say the least, the welcome wasn't very warm, in fact with the plague wreaking havoc upon the population, it wasn't exactly the best time to come home. Zebedee even got the plague and for a while there, Thaddaeus wasn't sure Zeb was going to make it. But he did! Thank goodness... though now the population is smaller than ever. Now he's just here, trying to make friends and help out the people in need.

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