
3 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info








Name: Nyx

Age: over 200 years old

Height: 5’3

Weight: 140

Race: Succubus

Personality: Nyx is very stubborn and can become very snippy when she is hungry.

She is very quick witted and mostly likes to pray on shit human beings which in her opinion is most humans. She is skilled in hand on hand combat but if she doesn't feed then both her abilities and strength are weakened immensely.

Appearance: Nyx’s natural form has gray purple skin and black eyes. Her hair is shoulder length and wavy with a Red magenta color along with her outfit being prominently red and black with shin high boots. Human form of her hair is black and appears to have darker skin tone and gold eyes.

Gear and equipment:


Magic - Please state what the spell does, it's range, and its own name


Magic Type: Illusion

Spell 1: Attract- aura that helps allure prey to her

Spell 2: Telepathic, can read the minds of prey to learn their fears, desires and fantasies

Spell 3: Shapechanger, can take the form of anything and anyone to help make fantasies come true

Spell 4: Can rejuvenate and heal from injuries when they are well fed and strong to help in fights. The larger the wound the longer and harder it will take to heal and 100% recovery is never guaranteed

Spell 5: Illusion- Can make others hallucinate and see what she wants them to see.



Nyx couldn't remember if she had a past life. She could only remember being hungry and tired after that it was all fuzzy until she met Pandora, one of the few people she trusted. She didn't like to be around a lot of people either, so she lived in a little shack in the middle of nowhere. It also gave her privacy to practice magic, the locals that knew her calling her a witch doctor of sorts. Pandora was also the one that helped train Nyx to fight, not that she thought she would ever need it.