
3 years, 2 months ago


Species Info

Pronouns: He/Him

Height: 3'6

Dislikes: Rude humans

Favorite food: Hotdogs

The mascot/leader of Tiburlions.

"Nak nak! Nak nak nak."

He used to be a pet Tibur but ran away. Taught himself to read and write and now sells seashell necklaces by the seashore.

Shark is slightly larger than the others. Smarter too. Some would say he is as smart as a human..

Many Tiburs come to him for help and advice, along with needing him to deal with disputes with a human.

He's the only one who lives in a big tent in the enclave. The tent is enough to have a group of five humans inside. Pretty big.

He is well respected all around and usually has a group of Tiburs following him when they have nothing better to do. Sometimes teaches younger Tiburs to read and write.

He has classes in the mornings for any Tibur to come inside his tent and learn.


Confident. Quiet. Pretty intimidating if you don't know him. A force to be reckoned with.. seriously don't do anything or he will send all those Tiburs around him to rip you to shreds.

If he squints at you, the others will growl.

He's nicer to other Tiburs though. Especially the younger ones. Would even take some time to play fight with pups.