Erosia Sarus



8 years, 11 months ago


Age: 21
Height: 5''2
Element: Water
Species: An extinct unnamed species
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Erosia was the eldest child out of 7 in her small tribe. As a peace treaty, she was to wed Axis from a neighboring kingdom, much to her joy; the two were already in love before the contract.
A month before her wedding, Erosia noticed that she lost contact with Axis and no one from his kingdom was delivering any more messages. Concerned, Erosia set out to Axis' home to find her fiance. Much to her shock, Axis' kingdom was destroyed and the path of destruction seemed to be heading towards her tribe.
When Erosia returned to her kingdom to tell the horrible news, she found her tribe to be covered in debris and the bodies of her once proud tribe...with a blood trail leading to Axis in "virus mode", destroying her home and the last of her species.
Erosia eventually fought Axis until his month-long "virus-mode" came to an end that day; but she lost half of her face in the struggle (which she puts on a mask to hide the scars).
Months have passed since that horrifying day and now Erosia now travels with Axis in a search for a cure to remove the virus-containing brainchip that's inside of her fiance's head...although it can be terrifying not knowing when Axis will succumb to the virus.
Erosia is a strong character who can hunt with ease and isn't the stereotypical damsel in distress. She values honor and loves her fiance despite what he did, knowing that the "virus" killed her family, not Axis.

Theme Song: Female Turbulence (seiken densetsu 3 OST)