Lustiana Altari



9 years, 13 days ago


The krei species belong to okka

Age: 29
Height: 6''3
Species: Krei
Element: Dark/Wind
Sexuality: Pansexual

Lustiana is an elegant individual who descends from royal blood. She is an extremely power-hungry matriarch who constantly feels threatened to lose power and respect due to the fact that she is a woman, so she tends to keep very few friends and always keeps her enemies even closer.
Whenever she senses a threat to her throne, cousins, nephews, sisters, ect, she will make sure they are exterminated. Through sex, money, and other corrupt methods, Lustiana has stayed in power for years.
The one thing that Lustiana fears more than anything else is aging and losing her beauty. So when she heard that a life gem from a stardasher can keep someone looking young and even live forever, she quickly hired Raven and Red River  to do the dirty work of finding some stardashers.
Despite her extreme cruelty to others, she does have a sensitive spot for her loyal servant, Oksana and the two are secretley in love. Lustiana keeps her love for her servant a secret so none of her enemies would go for Oksana.

Theme Song: STIGMATA (mana khemia OST)