


3 years, 1 month ago



"If you're lonely when you're alone, you're in bad company."

Sabrina is a shy girl. Never being one to be outspoken, she'd rather hide in the shadows and get the job done than to be in the spotlight. She could barely function if all the attention was placed upon her. She is pleasant company when she has it and is trustworthy enough to keep the royal cottage clean and tidy even when no one is around to enjoy the cottage. But being alone in such a big place makes her feel lonely, and part of her only looks forward to the summers when the royal family comes and stays for so many months. At the same time, however, the family's coming only makes her anxious, especially when the younger prince arrives. She always gets so flustered around him, then she makes a fool of herself! Oh, how she hates it. How she hates these feelings she has for the young prince. She only hopes to one day catch his attention... in a way where she doesn't embarrass herself.


Name Sabrina
Age 25
Gender Female
Height 5'7"
Scent Rose petals
Voice Actor TBA
Occupation Maidservant
Status Single

  • Trustworthy
  • Constant
  • Obedient

  • Shy
  • Embarrassing
  • Anxious


  • She loves to bake, unfortunately she's not one of the cooks.
  • She doesn't have too much money, since she sends most to her grandparents. So she lives in the attic of the cottage and lives off little.
  • Her favorite color is purple.
  • She keeps her distance from the youngest princess, Kiki. Kiki always gives Sabrina a rough time.

Design Notes

  • Markings don't have to be perfect.


Sabrina's parents died young, and she was much younger. They died from a plague that swept across their home country. Sabrina was lucky to survive, and lucky enough to be boarded in with her grandparents once she was confirmed to have no trace of the plague. She grew up within her grandparent's care, and she loved them both very much. However, despite the love they felt, they were a very poor family and they fought just to get food. Once Sabrina was old enough, she was determined to provide for her family, to give them the things they shouldn't need to have fought for. So, she went off to find work. Her first job was her only job, and she found herself finding favor with the royal committee. They gave her a job as a maidservant and she soon proved her worth in her trustworthiness. She had spotted a fellow servant snagging things and pocketing them and she was quick to let authorities know. Such actions caused a light to be shed upon her, and she was given better authority herself. The job paid well and she was sending money to her grandparents often, leaving her with little, but she was fed and clothed within the castle, anyway.

However, it wasn't long after she found herself working there that she found she had a blooming crush upon the youngest prince. This crush was a refreshing spring and yet an unrelenting torrent at the same time, for while she loved to look upon the prince and dream from afar, up close she only blundered and bumbled around the family, making her look all the clumsier. Eventually, she was told by her managing authorities that she would probably be better off managing the summer cottage. She would be paid even more than she did now, and the work appeared easy, so she accepted. Since then, she's kept residence there, keeping the place clean and tidy while the family is away and tending to the family when they come to visit.

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