
♛ Mist ♛

"Live with a smile for those who cannot."


Name || Mist
Age || 22
Gender || Female
Race/Species || Shattered Seraph
Height || 5'6"
Eye Color || Light amber
Hair Color || Silver
Orientation || Demisexual
Status || Single
Personality Traits || Sisterly, Spontaneous, Slightly Skeptic, Persevering

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♔ Short Backstory

Unlike most chosen to be a Shattered Seraph, Mist was not cast out by her family nor her village instead they treated her kindly once they learned of which of the three powers she held. She grew surrounded by love, respect, and praise... or at least that is how it appeared. Mist lived her days doing as the village wanted, making their land prosperous, helping those with difficult births, restoring the life of those who were ill and near death's door. But one day she didn't, it was just a childish curiosity wondering what would happen if she didn't, sure it would end with a small scolding... what resulted was rage, insults, tears, damnation, and exile. Everything was taken away from her in that instance and she understood then that life is not perfect, that those who live are fickle and frightening.

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♖ Personality/Profile Blurb

While one might think her past would cause her to utterly distrust and hate humanity, maybe even curse the goddesses that chose her, but instead she has accepted it and moved on in life. She smiles for those who cannot, for those who scorn her, she smiles because if there are no people who will smile for her then she will smile for herself. However, she is a bit skeptical about humans who covet life so much they would beg and provide promises for it, for too many times has she witnessed those promises broken.

♡ Those who keep their promises
♡ Serenity
♡ The smiles of those she cares about

♤ The flaws of life and those afraid of death
♤ Empty words
♤ Unrealistic goals

♧ Power of Life: Is able to both grant and restore life to any organic or inorganic being
♧ Meteorologist: Very good at predicting the weather
♧ Analysis: Can make sense of most situations as well as determine what someone is really like

♢ Gardening
♢ Looking at the latest trends in human society
♢ Finding out how others have spent their lives

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♘ Trivia

♢ While she's distant to most people she meets, once she's certain you're a good soul she will treat you as if you're family.

♢ Rather than feel hatred toward her family and village, she felt disappointment in their humanity or lack thereof.

♢ Mist would like to be able to trust people wholeheartedly but unfortunately the things she's witnessed make it difficult.

♢ Does her best to take care of Eiji and Anwar even when they think she's being a bit too motherly.

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♙ Relationships


⚀ Eiji

[ Little Brother ]

⚁ Anwar

[ Little Brother ]

⚀ Name

[ Relationship ]

⚁ Name

[ Relationship ]

♠ ♥ ♣ ♦

♗ Prologue Novella

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♠ ♥ ♣ ♦

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