Rika sanchez



3 years, 14 days ago


Hi and hello everyone, I finally finished my character for my new pokemon art rp group! (Here's the link:https://discord.gg/pjfH5FgFns) the group is about a group of teenagers that travel between the pokemon and the human and they are trying to stop a war that will destroy the universe. 


( if the category has *this it means it's optional)


Name:rika Sanchez


Age: 19

Birth date: 8 of july


+ athletic, enthusiastic, extrovert: rika is a very athletic girl, she likes to play all kinds of sports, like dodgball, soccer and etc….rika is also very enthusiastic about a lot of things, from pirates to traditional mexican food,she knows almost everything about it, rika doesn't have any type of problem with talking to people, if you say hi to her, she will say hi back and will immediately start a conversation with you

= Stubborn, direct, opinionated

Rika is a stubborn, if she wants to do something she will do no matter what you say..unless you have sometype of evidence that proves that she can't do the thing she is going to, rika is also very direct with her opinions, she will always say to your face when something is wrong or that's it's bad, even if that thing offends you.

-cherry picking, insecure, paranoic

Rika's flaw are generally pretty visible, because of rika's love for pirates, she also makes a lot of theories and from that, she basically started to cherrypick almost everything, from foods to even pirates toys, another big flaws that rika has is her insecurity and paranoia, since she had 9 she has a problem with paranoia after a car accident with her dad where, suddenly a guy jumped in front of her dad's car and he lost control of the car and crashed against a light pole.

Archetype: pirate girl

Height: 173cm

Weight: 100lbs

*Nationality: Mexican

Family wealth: average

Accessories: brown belt, hat, long socks

Hobbies: study the pirate traditions and myths, play dodgeball,play soccer, roleplay.

Backstory: rika is a 19 year old girl that just recently moved in to a new neighborhood, rika lives together with her sister Carla,a 20 year old woman that is helping riak understand the adult life, rika is on her final year of high school before she graduate and she's very excited to not have to go to a school anymore, it was just 19 years of waiting. 

Rika's mom is mexican and her dad is american, they are good parents and helped rika trough her life, they are between their 50s and they are happily living they lifes.

Rika joined the high school stars of the future when she was 17 and studied there for 3 years straight, before she moved in the same neighborhood as the school, she would take multiple bus to reach the school in time, so her sister decided to help her, she asked if rika wanted to move to a new neighborhood with her, rika didn't know what to do at first, but decided to go with carla , rika was very anxious about moving to a new neighborhood and almost complete alone, she would need to abandon all her old friends…well at least she hopes that she can visit her parents one day

In the recent days,rika is trying her best to graduate and not disappoint her big sister, but there was something that rika never revealed to anyone, a big trauma she has…involving a car accident with her dad, where her dad crashed the car they were in, rika hit her head in the passenger seat and fell unconscious, without knowing that her father was in the verge of death, but he survived. 

Extra/fun facts: 

-rika started her obsession of pirates when she was 10, she started to read books about well known pirates, watched multiple movies about pirates and etc

-rika is also a big fan of the pokemon franchise because of the water pokemons.



Species: scorbunny

Moves: ember, flame charge, double kick, protect

Abilities: can easily make fire just by running. 

Accessories: belt and jacket

Life in the pokemon world: rika in the pokemon world is like just any other native pokemon, but she's well known because of her knowledge about the seven seas, she claims to be a "pirate from a forgotten land that lost her ship", but that's a lie, rike never visited all seven seas…in person, but anyway, rika tries to help everyone in the village, or tries to because there are a lot villager in the village, but at least she's trying.

Extra/fun facts: 

-rika's belt and jacket are from the human world, the belt and jacket change size so that it fits on rika

-rika sometimes makes pokemon confused when she talks in Spanish, sometimes it's acidental and other times she does just for fun

-rika keeps thinking about when she's going to evolve.