


6 years, 10 months ago


Here's Sk'zzazz! (pronounced Skuh-zazz) Her name and colors were inspired by the ZZAZZ glitch from the early Pokemon games, but that's the only similarity c:

  • Like Skeet, she's a physical manifestation of code that feeds off electrical appliances.
  • She's full of malware and has an uncontrollable drive to spread it to any electrical devices she can
  • Unpredictable behavior, can be highly dangerous one second and just want to babble on at you the next
  • Unlike Skeet, she seems to harbor aggression towards organic things (people/animals) and will try to bite or zap at anyone who gets too close
  • Loves to talk. Speech may be any combination of voices, languages, or sounds, usually all of the above jumbled together into incoherent noise. Can speak legibly with extra focus.
  • Being near her feels like those old tube TVs where the screen made your hairs stand on end when she's more calm. Being near her while she's aggressive causes more discomfort
  • Trying to touch or grab her can result in severe lacerations due to the sharp red and yellow electric "hairs" that cover her body,
  • Her design is extremely flexible and she changes her appearance often, but usually has a coyote-like body/shape
  • Her teeth are like jagged and uneven needles
  • She can be drawn glitching / with scan lines / little bolts of electricity on her body
  • Her size varies greatly, from super small (~4 inches) to gigantic (like a building) depending on how much energy she has stored
  • Most common size is that of a medium sized dog (~ 20 inches at shoulder)

I hope you guys liker her! She's super fun to draw!!


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