Hinata Kumagai



3 years, 2 months ago


Hinata Kumagai

熊谷 日向
Kumagai Hinata
Baby Bear (Given Codename)
Character Information
October 11 (Libra)
148 cm
156 cm (After Timeskip)
50 kg
55 kg (After Timeskip)
Blood Type
  • Unnamed Mother
  • Unnamed Father
  • Takashi Kumagai (Older Brother)
Kunugigaoka Junior High School (Junior High School)
Tamako Higashi High School (High School)
Hinomoto University (College)
Seat Number
Teacher (After Timeskip)
Chapter 1
Episode 1
Japanese Voice
Karin Nanami
English Voice
Cristina Vee
Fumi Nikaido
To be completely honest, I never wanted to end up here. But now... I don't know what I'd do without my friends in class 3-E!
― Hinata Kumagai to Chocho Tomomi

Hinata Kumagai (熊谷 日向 Kumagai Hinata) is a student in Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High School, taught by Korosensei.


Hinata is a short, pale skinned girl with a petite frame and slim build. She almost always seems to be blushing or embarrassed, so her cheeks are forever tinted pink. She isn't the most intimidating looking person on the planet... though she is quite a bit stronger than she looks.
Hinata's eyes are large and dark with two pronounced upper lashes and several less prominent lower ones. Though she is almost always smiling, her eyes often have a slightly melancholy look to them.
Hinata's hair is waist legnth and naturally pale pink, though she dyes portions of it black as a statement.
Her bangs are cut partially across her forehead with two symmetrical hanks hanging down around her face, framing it nicely.
The rest of Hina's hair is usually styled in twin tails and tied up with pink ribbons.

Hinata wears the normal girls uniform, often times without her blazer.

For her casual outfit Hinata wears a simple, dark periwinkle blue cold shoulder top with a ruffle cutting across her shoulders and slightly puffed short sleeves; black shorts and pink sandles that match her hair ties and braiclets.
Alternatively, Hinata will also wear a simple pink jumper with somewhat thick shoulder straps fastened down with star shaped buttons, a white tee shirt with slightly flared sleeves and her ever present pink sandles. She can also be seen wearing a neckless with a star shaped charm on it and several pink braiclets.


Hinata is a sweet, careing and somewhat soft spoken girl who lives to help her friends and classmates.
She gives off a sweet, approachable vibe that makes her very easy to get along with and often finds herself being approached by other students who think she looks nice. Hinata doesn't mind this too much, though it can sometimes overwhelm her.

Hinata isn't exactly a shy girl; that being said, she can sometimes get overwhelmed by large crouds or reciving huge amounts of attention. She will often retreat out of the lime light after a little while and curl up with her calligraphy set to do a little writing.
She will keep to herself and not really engage with her classmates when she's doing this, occasionlly ignoring them for hours conpletely by accident. It's an annoying habit on her part and she's trying to work on it.

When she isn't feeling overwhelmed, Hinata can actually be quite social. She enjoys spending time with her friends and classmates and can even be a bit of a chatterbox if the right topic comes up.
Her sunny disposition can be infectious at times and often lighten the mood when things are looking dull. Hina loves for the times she can spend helping and making classmates feel happy. Though she sometimes takes it so far that she'll end up pushing aside her own negative feelings for the sake of everybody else.
This has caused a bit of build up of negative emotions that Hinata sometimes doesn't know what to do with. Though has found that training and assassination attepts are a great outlet for her.

Hinata is practically a different person when she's hunting Korosensei; serious, calculating and somewhat cruel on occasion. She lets her frustrations take over and uses them as fuel for her attacks. She has been described by a couple of her friends as a petrifying pip-squeak when she's like this and can even snap at her friends if they catch her at a particularly bad time.
Hina does tend to feel bad about some of the stuff she says and does when she's in "Assassin Mode", especially if she got snippy with one of her friends. She has been heard apologising profusley on many occasions to her friends and classmates because she feels she said soemthing rude or hurtful.

All in all, Hinata is a sweet, careing and kind girl. Though she does have her moments of sass.


Hinata is the youngest of two, hailing from a decently wealthy family that takes a lot of pride in their collective intelligence. Due to this pride, Hinata and her brother were subjected to high, almost impossible to meet standards of excellence.
Hinata ended up doing better than her brother in academics. Earning herself the title of the "Gifted Child" within their household. Hina was treated like royalty because of this; her parents praised her every move and showered her with so much attention that she found it hard to find time for herself.
On the rare occasion that she did manage to get some time alone she would often hear her parents pushing her brother to do better with the classic Why can't you be more like your sister? line. Hina felt bad for him and took to helping him with his work in an effort to get their parents to lay off. With her help, Takashi was able to get his grades up enough to get into a prestigious school.

When her brother started at Kunugigaoka Junior High Hinata was extremely happy for him. She figured a school as good as that could definitely help her brother get where he wanted to go in life... until she found out about Class E.
Even before her brother got moved to E Class Hinata had decided that the system seemed extremely unfair. She was of the opinion that the school was wrong to seperate the "Dumb Ones" from everyone else instead of helping them reach their potential! Though her brother managed to pull his grades up high enough to get back to the main school and graduate he still left a mark.

When Hinata arrived at Kunugigaoka for her first day she found herself an excitable new friend in the form of one Chocho Tomomi, who approached her out of the blue and started chattering away. They ended up becoming the best of friends within a day!
Much to Hina's surprise, more than a few of her classmates seemed to know about her brother and his stint in Class E. Several of them even took to teasing her and making jokes at her and her brother's expense. Hinata ignored this teasing, well aware of the fact that it was done purely to get a rise out of her. After a little while the bullies got bored and started leaving her alone. Life continued as normal for a while, with Hina soaring to the top of the class, as usual, and spending time with her new bestie.

Everything was all fine and dandy until Chocho was demoted to E Class due to her horrible temper. Hinata hardly got to see her anymore and often found herself the target of dirty looks when she did find time to hang out together. It was around this time that a girl by the name of Emi Morimoto came into Hina's life. Emi, who had been the top of her class in her old school, hated playing second fiddle to Hinata and was determined to bring her down. She pretended to be Hina's friend and faked feeling sorry about Chocho's being moved to Class E. Hinata came to consider her a friend and even invited her to hang out with her and Chocho on weekends. Emi played the part well, making it hurt all the more when she turned on Hina and started picking on her. Not only did she return to teasing Hina about her brother, she also started finding other things to tease her about ranging from her taste in music to her hobbies. Emi was relentless and her teasing only got worse as the school year went on.
Hinata did her best to ignore it, but she just couldn't. It eventually got to the point where the teasing was stressing her out so much that her grades fell and she got booted to E Class as well.

Hinata seemed to get back to her normal smarty pants, happy to help out self relatively quickly after being moved to Class E. Her grades went back up quickly and she could've gone back to the regular school after only a few months; but she didn't. Hina knew that if she went back to the regular school Emi would start picking on her again so she decided to stay in Class E. She was happy there, she had friends there and, despite the class's reputation, she felt like she belonged there.


  • Marksmanship: Though she isn't the best in the class, far from it in fact, Hinata still possesses decent marksmanship. She's excellent at aiming and fireing while she moves and tends to have a bit of trouble hitting her mark while standing still. She attibutes this to her nerves, which are less prominet when she's moving around due to the adreniline rush.
  • Knife Skills: While she isn't the best with a gun, Hina is quite proficient with a knife. She feels as though she has more control when using one and has become quite skilled in weilding them.
  • Math: Hinata is quite skilled in the subject of math. It has always been one of her best subjects and she genuenly enjoys learning and practicing it when she can. She is one of the top ranked students in math at Kunugigaoka Junior High School.



Hinata and her parents have a somewhat strained relationship at the moment due to Hinata's ending up in Class E. Her mother and father are of the mentality that Hinata has a lot of potential and that she's wasting it by not getting out of Class E.
Hinata understands that her parents want the best for her, but is also extremely sick of their unbelievably high expectations for her.

Hinata doesn't hate her parent's, despite how over bearing they can be, and she does appreciate what they do for her. At this point, Hina remains hopeful that she and her mother and father will be able to see eye to eye in the future.

Takashi Kumagai

They've had their ups and downs but, overall, Hinata and Takashi get along quite well.
Takashi is quite protective of his little sister and, though Hinata is quick to point out that she can handle herself, still goes out of his way to protect her from anything he deems a threat. Hinata adores her brother but he can be the biggest pain!

One of the few points of contention between the two is Takashi's over protectiveness. Hinata knows he means well and wants to keep her safe, but that doesn't stop her from getting irritated with him.
Takashi just seems to have a hard time getting that Hinata isn't a little kid anymore. He still see's her as his adorable little sister who needs to be protected from the potential dangers of the world...Much to Hinata's chargrin.
As much as he may annoy her, Hinata still loves her brother and is always glad that she has him in her life.

Chocho Tomomi

Chocho is one of Hinata's best friends.
They met on their first day at Kunugigaoka and became fast friends, as Chocho has a habit of adopting the quieter kids into her friend group on a whim.

Hinata and Chocho get along amazingly well, many attributing this to their opposites attract dynamic; with Chocho being very upbeat and outgoing while Hinata is more quiet and reserved. Hina enjoys Chocho's company and they can often be found chatting after class or hanging around at the local karaoke bar and just having a good time.
When Chocho got bumped down Class E due to her absolutely rotten temper, Hinata refused to cut ties with her. To Hina, friendship was more important than some stupid school hierarchy. She an Cho remained friends, hanging out when they could until Hina got bumped into Class E as well.
Once reunited they became an ustopable tag team duo. They work well to togeather and are always at eachothers backs when needed.

Yukiko Kanzaki

Hinata and Yukiko seemed to make friends by accident. They just ended up chatting one day after class and ended up developing a nice friendship.
As friends go, they get along well. Hinata enjoys Yukiko's company and will occasionally invite her along to Karaoke with Chocho.

At this point, Hinata and Yukiko are the type of friends who will converse quietly about school or what they've been doing lately or shareing new interests with eachother. So, all in all, pretty good friends.

Karma Akabane

Though they get along well at this point, Hinata isn't afraid to admit that Karma scared her a little when she first met him.
Before they offically met as classmates in Class E, all Hina had ever seen of Karma was in passing. He seemed like your average student so Hinata payed him no attention.

They were formally introduced to one another by Chocho shortly after Karma joined Class E and, it's safe to say that Hinata found him a bit... odd.
He seemed off his rocker and Hina is perfectly willing to admit that she only really hung around him because Chocho did. She only started to consider him an actual friend around the time of the summer trip.

Ryoma Terasaka

Hinata first met Ryoma in passing during their first year at Kunugigaoka. Hinata found herself observing him from afar and wondering how he ended up such a prestigious school, as he didn't seem to care about his studies at all.
Hina, being the the type of person that she is, found herself wanting to help. In her eyes everyone has potential... some people just have trouble finding it.

When Hinata found herself moved to Class E as well, she decided to act on her plan to help him out.
On her first day in class , Hina wandered over and quietly introduced herself, catching her classmate off guard.
Ryoma didn't really see why Hina was bothering to try and help him and often ended up getting irritated with her because of this. Hina, however, just brushed this off, as she was used to dealing with hot heads.
She kept up, remaining indifferent to Ryoma's attempts to shoo her away. Hina just wasn't afraid of him, despite their height difference.

Though Hina's attempts to help him with his grades ultimately ended in failure, the two still ended up formimg an unlikely friendship. Though it wasn't all that obvious at first glance, Ryoma didn't seem to mind having Hinata around to talk to, which seemed like progress to her.
Hinata meanwhile, had taken a rather obvious liking to him.

By the time they got to third year Hina ended up developing a somewhat obvious, at least to her best friend, crush on Ryoma; she decided to keep it to herself because she didn't want to ruin her friendship with him. Though she sometimes found it hard to keep herself distracted from her own feeling; causeing more than a few awkward interactions.
Poor Hinata didn't know what to do, she could bearly string togeather a proper sentance around Ryoma anymore and he had definatly noticed!

It was Koro Sensei's arrival that set things back to normal. Trying to assassinate him provided enough of a distraction from her feelings for Hina that she could finally have a normal conversation with Ryoma again.
Hina was contented with this turn of events and things went back to normal; well, as normal as they could beunder the circumstances.

From there Hinata and Ryoma's relationship didn't change too much. They still hung around with eachother in their free time or stopped to talk after class or between assassination attempts. In fact, it wasn't until the summer trip that things actually started to change between them.


  • The name Hinata means "sunny place" (日向)(hinata).
  • Hinata's surname Kumagai means "bear" (熊)(kuma) and "valley" (谷)(gai).


  • Hinata is majorly creeped out by bugs of all kinds! She hates the things with a passion!
  • Hinata loves to do caligraphy in her free time. She doesn't really know where she picked up this hobby but she enjoys it none the less.
  • Hinata dyes her hair the way she does because of an incident towards the beginning of her time at Kunugigaoka where a girl who liked to pick on her got her hands on a bottle of Hinata's caligraphy ink and dumped it over her head, staining her pink hair black. Hina chose to dye her hair to match the staining after that as a statment.
  • Hinata loves sweet and sugary foods and almost always has some on her to share with her friends.
  • Hinata's past club before dropping to Class E was the math team.
  • Hinata was called 'Baby Bear' in Chapter 91 during Class 3-E's training in using codenames. The one who wrote her code name was Chocho.
  • Hinata is completely impossible to intimidate.! It just doesn't work on her and no one can figure out why.
  • Hinata likes to read mushy-gushy romance manga in her spare time! She won't admit it, but she reads it in search of pointers on how to deal with her own feelings for a certain classmate.
  • Hinata is mildly allergic to dogs and will start to sneeze uncontrollably whenever she get near one.
  • Hinata, much to her friends amusement, has a decent amount of respect for Irina. She might not be a perfect teacher but she's a good assassin and Hina wishes she had her kind of confidence.
  • Hinata is the queen of rhythm based video games... especially Dance Dance Revolution! She oozes confidence while playing that game and it's a sight to behold.
  • Hinata has a small sea shell collection that she aquired over the course of various vacations with her parents.
  • In the tankobon extras, Hinata''s statistics were listed as:
    • Physical Strength: 2
    • Mobility: 3.5
    • Close-Range Assassination: 4.5
    • Long-Range Assassination: 2.5
    • Academic Ability: 3.5
    • Characteristic Skill (Caligraphy Queen): 5
  • In Shooting Skills Scores, she's ranked: 15th.
  • According to Koro Sensei:
    • In the Arts Scroes, she's ranked 8th.
  • According to Irina:
    • In the Kissing Techniques, she's ranked 4th.
  • According to Mr Karasuma:
  • In the Long-Distance Assassination Scores, she's ranked:
    • Ambush Shooting: 10th
  • In the Close-Range Assassination Scores, she's ranked:
    • Knife Skills (Combination): 4th
    • Stealth Skill: 8th
  • In the Miscellaneous Scores, she's ranked:
    • Negotiation: 6th
  • Hina's best subject is Math while her worst is Social Studies.
  • Hinata dreams of someday working ground control for space missions. She's a little to chicken to actually go up into space though.
  • Hinata learned to play the violin as a child and, while she has forgotten most of what she learned, she can still play a couple of songs.
  • Hina has a bad habit of overworking herself and pulling all nighters. She has fallen asleep in class a few times because of this.
  • Hina is no stranger to random crushes, having had a small crush on Gakushu Asano for a little while in her first year at Kunugigaoka.