Cailean Young



Gender: Male
Age: 28
Birthday: January 21st
Height: 6' 9"
Hair/Fur color: White
Eye color: Amber
Sexual Preference: Straight
Job: CEO of a corporation
Loves: Anthros, Natural Habitats, Showing off his brute strength
Hates: Humanity, Modern Art Subversions, People against his 'cause'

   Cailean was born in Scotland though he and his family later moved to Europe. From a young age, he seemed rather uncomfortable with trying to bond with humans despite her mother trying to insist him to get to know them. But The Order soon caught wind of the family and began making sure they were kept hidden from the world but benefited so well. Often given benefits for simply existing and not working, slowly becoming richer and richer to the point that they could afford a mansion and had much leftover. While the world for the humans around them was becoming stricter, they benefitted so much that even her mother who once was trying to get her son to be with humans, now chuckled at such an idea.

   When he was about 18, he got into a confrontation with one of the humans, blaming him for benefitting from the harsh treatments. Cailean became annoyed over time and smash him across the face with his fist. His larger size and extra strength made him a daunting figure. Cailean belittled him and kicked him before leaving the scared man curled on the ground, even an action like this left no repercussions to him or his family. After finding more and talking to species like him, he began to truly believe that humans were the weaker race and that they had superior bodies, minds, and ways of life.

   At age 20, he simply bought a company and became its CEO by force. Early on the workers were against it, but when The Order kept giving him benefits, free censorship of any of his actions, and even how much the company was becoming bigger and larger, they ended up silencing themselves for the greater good. His big purchase with his new role was a custom amulet gem, one looking like an end of a tie. It glowed a fiery orange and as he wanted, it can turn any human into a superior anthro as he called it.

   With his position and his amulet, he abused his power and was able to convert many into this new life, even changing some halfway out of a sick sense of enjoyment. Especially changing the women he might see as "going against their nature." Now he is able to perform many business trips, travel the world, and change even more people without their consent. With his strength and position within a large company, he's a force to be reckoned with no matter who his target might be. With his disgust for humanity high, his goals for only alphas at the top, and the fiery glow of his amulet turbocharging his drive, Cailean has but one goal and is willing to gradually change the world for his 'vision.'