


3 years, 1 month ago


- Lower demon/household demon

- Sweetheart, least was known as sweet by the family and the family's friends

- Was a household demon until the witch family bloodline that he was part of with others were killed by a higher demon

- Just shaken up a lot, doesn't know he survived from it

- Feels horrible that couldn't protect others and most importantly the family

- Feels like a failure, cannot forgive himself easily for not protecting the family well enough

- Doesn't know if all the other household demons are alive or dead, like dead not coming back at all

- He had to flee from there not to be killed too

- No one doesn't know where he is

- He is making his way to other witch family that was close to the family he was with, knows very well that soon it will be a huge news to others that suddenly a whole witch family was suddenly attacked by a higher demon

- Literally trying to go save others even if he is badly injured, has to let someone know what has happened even if is afraid and unsure if he is being followed

- The earrings are from the witch family he has worked with for generations, has the flower symbol that tells which family he is from

- Fifty fifty chance he'll be found all bloody by someone or manage to make his way over to other witch family

- Needs a moment to calm down before he can even explain everything and realize why it all happened and how

- Takes time for Sihir to get out of his shock, doesn't know if Arioch targeted the family first before others but Sihir still has to try to warn others

- Has no idea how Arioch has returned, does know where the witch families ancestors trapped/imprisoned the higher demon, might be willing to go there later to find out how the higher demon got out of there

- You bet if the dumb chaotic witches found that shaken up household demon they'd want to know more, most likely they find him first, better that way since Sihir wouldn't have made it to other witch family since lives far away so he would've most likely passed out somewhere duo to his injuries