Soleil (D&D)



4 years, 4 months ago


Soleil Dungeons & Dragons

Name Soleil
Pronouns She/her
Age 23
Height 4'4"
Sexuality Lesbian
Voice --
Playlist Playlist


  • Race: Orcling (halfling/halforc)
  • Class: Druid (Circle of the Moon)
  • Background: Folk Hero
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Languages: Common, Halfling, Orc, Druidic
  • Weapon: Javelin, Beastshape


Soleil is a very fun and outgoing person. She's always out to have a good time and hang out with all kinds of people. She loves traveling and seeing new places and experiencing new things. You will never get bored around her as she's very funny and easy to talk to. Soleil is the opposite of confrontational and prefers not to get into fights if she can help it. Even when she's getting insulted, she tries not to let it get to her and laughs it off for the most part. She's a very sweet person and she will always have your back for anything.


Soleil was born into a humble village in a rural area far away from the more advanced cities. Her mother Welsey(halfling) died of sickness when she was a child and her father Muzar(half orc/nature cleric) raised her for the remainder of her childhood. He was always a more stern and strict man and Soleil was the opposite. They never were as close as they were when Soleil was a child. Soleil became a hero after she tracked down and killed the hag that was spreading diseases into the village getting all the crops, livestock, and people sick until they eventually died. After doing this, she realized she wanted to do more than living a peaceful life in a village so she left looking for adventure and more exciting things to see and do. She eventually met Svala, a giant half goliath and half tiefling woman who happens to be mute, and they became best friends and now travel together everywhere.


  • Before leaving the village, her father gave her a ring with a gem made out of her mother's ashes. She never takes it off.
  • She sometimes goes to bars to try and get dates, but if she's with her friend Eden, it doesn't work out at all in her favor because all the women in the bar end up giving more attention to Eden than to her.
  • Her beastshape form of preference is the dire wolf.
  • She never learnt how to read or write and it embarrasses her.




[ Best friend ]

Svala was the first person Soleil met in her travels and they met by chance. Even though Svala is mute, they found ways of comunicating and Soleil is slowly learning sign language. They are inseparable and travel together everywhere.



[ Best friend ]

Soleil met Eden while adventuring and they got along great almost immediately. They banter a lot and help each other get dates and hang out constantly.

CREDIT lowkeywicked