Samuel Valkyrie



6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Samuel Valkyrie








- native to the same universe as Swift Night-- a hunter of demonic entities-- Samuel was allies with Swift when he was still alive
- was raised by his parents in a house obscured from the public eye, tucked away in the woods
- had several siblings, six outside of himself-- a couple of whom died in the line of work
- siblings are as follows from youngest to oldest [ Samuel himself, Jordan, Jehova, Lovette, Rhine, Stylo and Cosima ]
- Cosima is the oldest sibling-- the voice of reason amongst her siblings-- the most powerful and respected of the kids. Cosima is both knowledgable and refined, the ideal child in all honesty. She's an angel. She enjoys reading, brewing potions and attractive women.
- Stylo, the second oldest, is a chaotic guy who enjoys stirring up trouble-- often abusing his abilities to stir up some sort of mischief. He has a lot of piercings and dyes his hair-- the stereotypical 'bad kid'. He enjoys stylish cars and cigarettes.
- Rhine is the third oldest, another boy, a man who enjoys braiding his hair and messes more with plants than people. He has a calm temper and is more easygoing. Looks up to Cosima and tries to balance out Stylo.
- Lovette is a good-girl type who is quite exceptionally feminine and petite. The one all her siblings want to protect and look after. Rarely uses her magic.
- Jehova is another brother who wants to be a good necromancer when he grows up, but he's consistently failing and causing trouble for his other siblings. He tries, though. He's dedicated to his studies and tries to be cool and respectable.
- Jordan is the youngest outside Samuel and is pretty fed-up with this necromancer stuff. He just wants to be normal honestly, and he tries to avoid his family and magic at all costs.
- Both his parents are necromancers and their crazy middle-of-nowhere house is basically to purposefully exile them from the normal people. They taught all of their children necromancy, of course.
- He encountered Swift in the woods while they were both children and he became friends with the other kid, meeting him periodically in the woods outside their house.
- As he matured he followed his family's line of work and became a necormancer, of course. He entered the same demon hunting organization that Swift did and met him again.
- Sam works with the demon hunting organization and takes jobs to kill off the demon population in the area-- he has multiple uses for his magic as well as different weapons he uses to accomplish the task.
- He met up with Swift again once he entered the business and they became fast friends once again.
- One of his friends was murdered on a mission-- the demon escaped after murdering him. Samuel felt like it was his fault and he never fully forgave himself.
- He tried to revive his friend only to revive Scourge (Castle) by mistake. He allowed Castle to live not knowing he couldn't revive another mortal in full until Castle died again.
- He was cold and distant for the longest time before warming up to him-- somewhat. He still harbors a deep hatred for Scourge, but he tolerates the undead man.
- He's still a mid-ranking member in the hunting allegiance, but he's a lot lonelier now. He doesn't like working joint missions because he's just worried another person will die on his watch.
- overall stoic and distant, doesn't want to get attached and doesn't open up-- he tends to lie instead of giving legitimate answers when asked about personal matters, despite this he likes telling stories and getting a crowd reaction-- he hyperbolizes some things but for the most part it's legitimate, he just likes building suspense