
3 years, 1 month ago









potion master


chaotic neutral



A warlock of unparalleled beauty. He was a scholar and consort to many nobles in both the Unseelie and Seelie court, but cut off all ties with that life two centuries ago for publically unknown reasons. He is also incredibly intelligent and diligent, but doesn't show it - he's instead known for his opulence, good looks, and promiscuity. He currently works as a potion master, and is steadily accumulating a collection of tomes and tools.









  • loose/flowy clothing
  • accessorizing
  • good debate
  • smell of books


  • being cold
  • emotional conversations
  • greasy food
  • bright, aritificial light

Flirtatious, charming, and always relaxed. He can come off as apathetic towards others, which isn't necessarily untrue, but never to the person he's directly talking to. He has an air of mystery, never wearing his heart on his sleeve, that makes others more attracted to him. What may seem like laziness to others is a hidden diligence; he's incredibly methodical in his studies, and has accumulated much more knowledge than he tends to let on. He prefers people see him as a promiscuous pretty face rather than the threat he could be. If he gets attached to a person too much, he falls very hard for them, and becomes loyal to a fault. He dislikes this, and will cut off any relationship he thinks will develop too much.


Tobias is technically a warlock, but really only has trace amounts of human blood, and is often treated as pure fae. He was raised in the Unseelie Court, and during his childhood he spent every day doing nothing but studying anything and everything he could get his hands on. He performed many experiments, leading to his now masterful crafting of potions, and got into more than a bit of trouble because of it. Despite this, his good looks and charm never had him stay in trouble for long. As his mother explained to him, in fae eyes, Tobias has just a touch of mortality to make him transient, and therefore something to be coveted; in human eyes, he's ethereal and timeless, something to chase after. He's always loved the attention this brings him, enjoying being pampered and taken care of.

As per fae culture, he left his family to live in a noble house from a young age, with very little attachment to his parents. He technically was a scholar, and initially spent many days studying and experimenting. It wasn't long, however, that the head of the house began to show him off for events. When visitors came or when parties were held, Tobias would be dressed up beautifully to accompany the noble. At first, this would annoy him, as it dragged him away from his work; later, though, he came to enjoy it, always lavished with gifts and praise.

He was later traded to another noble house, which isn't uncommon and not at all upsetting for him. However, instead of a scholarly position, he was instead designated a consort to the noble, as most people misinterpreted his original position. This led to Tobias's first sexual encounter, immediately awakening him to a part of himself he'd never known about. Instead of feeling uncomfortable in his new life, he embraced it with open arms, though never gave up on his studies, pursuing them in all his free time. He started experimenting with his physical form, changing or adding features like tails, horns, ears, wings, and even different genetilia.

During this time he earned himself a reputation for lasciviousness in conjuction with his beauty, leaving most people unaware of his talents and steadily accumulating knowledge. He made the conscious decision to play into this - though he never played stupid, he would downplay his abilities, which ended in his favour when many scholars were shifted by their nobles to study combat magic. Seen as someone weaker in practice, coupled with his beauty, he wasn't forced into the more rigorous training that his peers were.

He was traded to a Seelie Court noble at this point - Enda's birth father. Tobias was still technically a consort, but Enda's father didn't treat him as such; he would sometimes show off Tobias like the first noble house he entered, but nothing more. Instead, he encouraged Tobias to make use of his study materials. He was introduced to Enda through this, one of the only people he'd ever met that treated him coldly. On their first meeting, they were engaged in heated debate for several hours, leaving Tobias enamored with Enda. They studied together, debating and collaborating often, and it wasn't long before they became lovers. They spent half a decade tangled in each other, growing ever closer and opening up more with each other. By the end of that half decade, Tobias realized, too late, just how close they had become and how much of himself he had opened up for Enda. More than just unknown territory, this deeply scared him, as if he had lost control over his life and personhood.

He immediately cut all ties with Enda, and was granted leave from the house. He lived on his own for the first time after this, wallowing and falling into depression. He worked as a potions brewer to earn a living, and began to cultivate his own library, giving him purpose once again. It took more than a century for him to move on and reinstate his persona, with a string of flings and brief, non-committal relationships to prove it. He now lives a fairly happy, carefree life - though he knows if Enda were to reappear, that life would come crashing down on him.


  • Has a very fixed sleep schedule unless he's very engaged in a project, at which point it collapses
  • Technically a warlock, but only has trace amounts of human blood
  • His tattoos have real, magically-enhanced gold
  • Has low empathy until he gets to know someone very well
  • Has a pure-white pet snake named Paris


Enda [ exes ]

Another warlock of a noble house Tobias stayed in for a time. He was first attracted to Enda because they were unfazed by his looks, but quickly become enamored with their knowledge, abilities, and sincerity. They became voracious lovers in no time at all, spending more time together than apart. After half a decade, Tobias grew scared of how close they'd become, and broke off their relationship without warning. He's never quite gotten over them, and perhaps never will.

Ceres [ friends ]

They became friends after Tobias left noble society, as Ceres often frequents his shop. They get along well, and though they aren't very open about their pasts or emotions, they are still fairly close. They're happy to do the other person a favour, even if its a high cost. They are both currently unaware of each other's connection to Enda.