Limbashu ☾'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

ghxstfacevada Global Rules

• You may change anything you don't like once the design is yours! What I make for you doesn't need to be its final design if you don't like something!

• Do NOT resell my designs for more than what you offered/got it for if it is just the ref I provided with the design and/or the art it originally came with. If you have added on art since then, that's 100% fine!

• Do not remove the character/design from TH, this is how I keep track of where all of my designs go and I like checking in on them now and then.

• If you plan on privating a character, please auth me so I can keep tabs on where my designs are!

Any questions? DM me on Instagram or Discord @ghxstfacevada!