


3 years, 1 month ago


  • NAME Hollowsight
  • NICKNAMES Hollow, or, just Hollowsight
  • BIRTHSEASON Leaf-bare, 22nd ♍
  • AGE 24 Moons
  • GENDER Nonbinary
  • ORIENTATION Demiromantic Bi/Pansexual

What lies beneath the MOON is written in the stars

Hollowsight in his apprenticeship was mentored by a demanding and ungrateful she-cat named Silverscar. The she-cat demanded and reinforced several of his abilities in the most over-demanding and rude way possible. Hollowsight, then, "Hollowpaw", used to arrive over-sored to his nest from his trainings. But all that pain and demand ended worth it. There is no glory without pain, some said, and, indeed, it's true.

The attack technique, strength and endurance on the battlefield ended up quite polished thanks to Silverscar's training. Although with it she ended up neglecting other skills of her apprentice such as swimming, agility, speed and climbing.

With his training came many punishments, as Hollowpaw in his day hated training in his early days, many of them related to camp building r restoring, caring for the elders, and a lot of mouse bile on his taste buds. Hollowsight is now a cat who unconsciously enjoys the tasks of setting up r restoring the camp and will be one of the first to offer to complete any of these duties.

He prefers to save his forces for the battlefield rather than hunting because he knows that he is better at this ability than his speed when hunting, but he often accompanies hunting patrols to spot creatures as far as his eyes can see but their ears may not hear.

His faith in the StarClan is strong, because by losing both parents and having a mother that believed strongly in StarClan this believe traspassed to him. He longs to be with them, obviously at the right time, but he longs very much to be able to see them again. He get his loyalty to the clan may not be the strongest compared to his father's but he will be willing to defend MarshClan. Finally, he has a big heart and does not like to harm others, except for battles of course when he needs to do it because it his dutie, but he cares about others and will always put others before his own wishes.

Agility 5/10

Stealth 8/10

Speed 5/10

Strength 9/10

Endurance 7/10

Climbing 4/10

Swimming 6/10

Loyalty 7/10

Faith 9/10

Compassion 8/10

Sight 6/10

Scent 5/10

Hearing 5/10

Taste 5/10

Touch 5/10

Den Building 8/10

Battle 9/10

Hunting 6/10

Kitting 0/10

Herbal 0/10






pessimist optimist

Naive Perceptive

Reserved Social

sassy polite

patient foolhardy







Serene He has a fairly calm energy that is easily contagious to others. He is patient, he isn't aggressive and expressionless. His serenity helps him not only to not interpose his feelings but that these doesn't affect him in a negative way towards himself or others at times of disputes, talks or outbursts. If you say something embarrassing, negative or anything else about him or someone else, he won't react, in fact he will ignore it. When faced with a dispute, he will always opt for dialogue or more simple but effective solutions, especially if this can avoid a more than obvious conflict. He is really mature, has "good manners" and doesn't get carried away by childish thoughts or irresponsible desires.
Reflexive Always with an active mind and absorbed in his thoughts, thinking about every action, every situation that gonna makes him win. Reflecting on the past and strategies for the future. His physical agility may be terrible but his mental is highly developed and always active with new ideas. He is someone analytical who is always thinking about every strategy or detail. Although this even isolates him from his surroundings to think about the best for each situation.
Unselfish Somehow he has been made with the ability of kindness and compassion, perhaps he doesn't understand the emotions and pains of some but he does understand when they need a good action, a virtue, an opportunity in their day to day life. So with the purest act he tries to fulfill them in the least conspicuous way he can find, whether by giving his place, his prey, his hunt, his gifts or his achievements to others. He doesn't like, no matter how hard he tries to ignore it, seeing someone sad. He finds egoism the most malevolent thing because a clan isn't made up by individualism but altruism and integrity.

Serious-Minded Hollowsight is someone who won't speak to you with as such emotion, will give many words in a conversation and/or will respond with a lot of affection. His most lively expressions are usually reserved for his innermost circle, a closer circle that may or may not include his own family. You will always see him with a neutral expression difficult to read. This makes him unpleasant in a way, as his talking is never emotional but rather technical, and his words are usually physical rather than vocal gestures. If you talk to him about something other than training, strategies or hunting, he will simply answer you with his tail, his ears and his legs.
Introspective He has a very present inner voice, when he is alone he always thinks, thinks about himself, his relationships, his future and his past. Whatever he can improve on it. He tends to think things through a lot and premeditate them before saying or doing something. Nothing should take him by surprise, that's what he was taught and he will always deliver. He is and will be the only critic of him, since he ignores others in the face of criticism but not from himself. Because he is the worst and most destructive critic of himself.
Self-Sufficient Thanks to his teachings and values instilled by his mentor, Hollowsight is quite independent and self-sufficient. He doesn't require the help of anyone else, in the vast majority of cases. He is a cat that likes to do things by himself, because he knows well that he is capable for and is even much more capable working alone.

Cold-Hearted Like his father, he is cold, expressionless, and somewhat insensitive. Well, his serenity and seriousness have marked him enough so that when he has to react to strong, emotional or loving situations he does not do it as anyone else would. There are cats that because of this they believe that he is someone without feelings and a really apathetic cat. 
Melancholic Like his mother, he often thinks a lot about the past, the good times and the bads. He even mentally damage himself thinking about what could have been and was not in the past, or resorting to unreal thoughts about the future. It is good to remember the past from time to time but he does it constantly, he ain't able to let go of the past.
Self-Demanding Thanks to his time as an apprentice, he has ended up being someone extremely self-demanding, always forcing himself to complete his purposes, tasks and desires in the most perfect way possible, not only that, that they be more perfect than the very definition of perfect! He gets to demand too much from himself that it becomes something harmful for him, failure is not in his vocabulary and he becomes too frustrated if he ever fails, it is something that he would not forgive to himself. 
Crowtuft was a noble warrior, he loved his clan like no other cat, he loved patrols and hated romance, he really wasn't a cat who was attracted to the idea of starting a family. Even when the queens liked him because of the way he was with the kittens, and elders liked him too with since he was a gentleman with em. Though, the idea of a mate, his own kittens, being a father... Hmm, it wasn't for him. He simply wanted to follow his life as a warrior and the patrol boy. All until he got to know Smoketalon better, she was a warrior who grew up with him but they never made up their minds to speak and didn't really get along in the best way, Crowtuft's coldness was a repellent to Smoketalon's fluidity. However, Sandstar decided to send them to investigate the frontier with CloudClan after some problems in it, as usual. There they got to know each other better and they even had a good time, Crowtuft was the one who reported the findings, as he liked to do on each patrol.

During the following night Smoketalon woke up Crowtuft and asked him to follow her, Crowtuft obviously confused between the sleepinness and the request, hesitate to do so but as the she-cat asked him to keep quiet he simply got up and followed her. She taked him to the tunnels, where they walked out of one of these, to an area where the moon shone, the trees were scarce and there was a clearing surrounded by flowers. Crowtuft was surprised, more by the moon than by the flowers and by the serenity of the place. Smoketalon revealed to him that here she comes to think, where she liked to talk to herself and think about her past and future. Crowtuft confessed to doing the same but with his inner voice while he was still in the camp, which was not the best. He jokingly claimed to do the same thing she did, which Smoketalon encouraged him to do. So this is how Crowtuft and Smoketalon got to know each other more and more deeply, where they realized that despite the coldness and fluidity of one and the other, they were for each other.
KITHOOD (0-6 Moons)

They fell in love and pledged loyalty and devotion to each other. Smoketalon would be happily pregnant with her beloved and happily waited for her kittens, she always bragged about them and what a good mother she would be, the cats that Smoketalon knew were happy for their babies, others surprised that someone like Smoketalon loved Crowtuft or worse, they were really surprised that Crowtuft could love someone other than the warrior code.
The days passed and as Smoketalon's belly grew more and more, her cubs did too, shortening the time they would remain in her mother's womb. When the day came and the labor began, everyone was there, except for Crowtuft her beloved. Where he was? With pain and grief she learned that he had died on a border patrol with CloudClan. That was a very low blow for her but he didn't let her pain hurt her new kittens, her offspring.

She would raise them with love and patience, answering every question from her children, maybe even, she pampered them a little from time to time. When it came to questions about Crowtuft she didn't keep any details to herself, she always told them about her deceased father, about her exploits and her relationship with her. So despite the physical absence, he was always there.

Now, enough of Smoketalon... Let's start by talking about the protagonist of this story, Hollowkit! Hollowkit was the second to be born to a family of 3 brothers and one single mother. Her name matched Smoketalon's past, how those tunnels helped her strengthen herself with her late beloved Crowtuft.

Hollowkit wasn't the most mischievous nor the shyest kitten, he was neutral like his father. He truly resembled him in personality, sharing his own love of battle techniques, hunting, and few words talking. Even so, his relationship with his siblings was not bad, perhaps he may fight from time to time with one of them, but what relationship of littermates doesn't have a dispute between their members? None.

He really was a very well behaved kitten, at his way, a bit responsive and selfless but Smoketalon loved this about Hollowkit, as he reminded him so much of his beloved and the father of his beloved offspring. She pampared him and didn't teach him to be more expressive, that was a thing that will cost him in the future.


Hollowkit would become an apprentice along with his brothers, leaving the kit behind to now be a paw. His mentor? A rather demanding and hard-to-please cat named Silverscar. Silverscar never give it easy to her apprentice, she always demanded more of him than he could actually give her. Hollowpaw was completely stressed out from so much demands and training that he would walk away from her. He tried to do his best to avoid her and her yells, but unfortunately he would be somewhat negligent with his training as a consequence. On his escapades he would capture the attention of Ratpaw, an apprentice whom he never took notice of as he always spent time with his siblings in the apprentice den. Ratpaw was a lazy, selfless and irresponsible apprentice, he already had his good moons as an apprentice, he always preferred to play over training so knowing Hollowpaw more deeply and his interest in getting away from training would take him to areas of his territory that Hollowpaw had not known. Either through the tunnels, forest or following the river. He was always showing him new things, Hollowpaw was in awe and was quite relieved at the peace and quiet that Ratpaw conveyed, even becoming a close friend of him. But... Sooner or later his mentor would realize that he was running away from her, would she?

Hollowpaw was still training with Silverscar these days but when he felt like he had reached his limit he simply ran away at the expense of Silverscar's screams and screams. Hollowpaw was being infected by Ratpaw's serene disinterest and neutrality from Silverscar's point of view. What made Silverscar even angrier because he knew perfectly well that Hollowpaw and Ratpaw were quite close and with his goal of improving his apprentice to the maximum was not paying off, during one of Hollowpaw's escapades he decided to follow him until he was in front of him. "Where are you going?" He asked him with a raised eyebrow and a slight growl. "Away from you." The insolent apprentice replied. "No, you won't" The mentor replied. "You will go with me, we will train, you are too negligent with your learning. And if you refuse I will tell Sandstar to postpone your warrior appointment. You want to graduate together with your littermates, don't you?" She added in warning. Hollowpaw couldn't answer that, as he was more afraid of not graduating with his siblings than his mentor talking to the leader. So he followed her to train in some point of the forest, away from her safespot with Ratpaw.

During these days, the exact time of a moon, Hollowpaw was being monopolized by Silverscar, she never let him be far from her, near the camp, near his brothers, his mother and his friend. He was really stressed until at one point everything returned to normal, or so he believed, because at least one thing didn't continue as before...

Ratpaw was faded from existence. He wouldn't even know if he was still in the Clan because he never saw him again. He was like a vague memory, a ghost, something that perhaps never happened in his mind. But boy did he missed him, it was a painful feeling on his chest, the image of him sometimes appeared in the camp or in his duties. Where was his beloved friend? He asked and asked, until somecat a tom who was his mentor told him: "He left, he quit out the life of a warrior. Not a real surprise since he didn't feel like fitting here." He reply with a really relaxed voice while was licking his paw.

He quit out away? That.. couldn't be true! He was his friend, his pal, his only close friend! The painful remember of him always infected his feelings. He will miss the only chance he got to chill on a sunspot and talk about ideals. But the training would never stop.

Every day he returned to the camp, to his nest even more tired and with pain in some parts of his body. Did his littermates care about this? He doesn't really remember it because the memory of these days his mind has blocked em, but not what he learned in them.
The following days were even harder and more rigorous, even more than he had when he went with Ratpaw to chill. But he knew well that if he didn't improve or please his mentor everything would be worse, so he tried to do everything possible because now he had no excuse to skip his training. Maybe he was neglecting his siblings? He didn't know, he didn't think so, maybe yes or no. From his point of view it wasn't like that but still he focused more on his training than on his social life. Duty is first before leisure, he said through the ideals instilled by Silverscar.

Silverscar justified her complex and exhausting training with dry words: "This will make you better than anyone else", "Don't you want to be the best? Well, I don't care. I want YOU to be the best", "To an incompetent apprentice nobody will search for when he becomes a warrior, I don't want you to be one of those apprentices. You are more of your father was. "," Are you the son of Crowtuft, or not? Are you sure? Because ya ain't showing it".

That's when he realized something, why was she talking so much about his father? What was the background of Silverscar? Why did she use to bring his father into her conversations, why now? Curiosity gnawed at him, so he went to his mother asking about Silverscar's relationship with his father. She looked at him with doubt and some contempt until she replied: "Sweetie, you know that I have never tried to hide anything from you and your siblings... But, that is a story that I don't want to and I will not tell you. You don't need to know it, has Silverscar said anything about it? " She asked, to which he vaguely responded with, "He just says he wants me to be more than him." To which Smoketalon nodded, saying that she ain't going to say anything else about it.

Hollowpaw was desperate and in despair of, as he didn't know anyone that he might know from the story behind them, then he asked Seaheart, the deputy with a hope that she knew something since she being the deputy. She was somewhat surprised by the question but willing to answer she told him. "I'm not really sure, but from what I heard ... They were in a relationship? It was supposed, not many people knew but still it was known. Silverscar was quite loud about it, y'know, when your mother became Crowtuft's mate... That's what I heard. "

It all made sense now, right? Was Silverscar jealous of his mother kits? He didn't want to speculate but he did anyway, yet he wasn't going to ask questions until he was a warrior. He didn't want her mentor, someone who had power over him, to use it to his advantage in the most corrupt way possible.

The days went on and he was almost in the last stage of his learning, to his surprise he received not scolding but praise. Compliments from Silverscar that she was now satisfied with the fruits of her rigorous training on him but still she demanded that she stay the same. Although the training was still constant, he could now tell that he enjoyed it that even the strict and obnoxious Silverscar was beginning to like him? Although, it was just an idea in her head now that she was less obnoxious than before.

On the last day of her training, Silverscar commented that she was proud of his training, that even though an annoying, soft and lazy trainee nearly ruined Hollowpaw she was able to help him. "I'm glad that I told him that you didn't want to met him again, he wasn't at your level! I really did such a great job mentoring you. I helped you scaring away that blad influence from your life! Look at you now, you're the best apprentice I could had." Helped me? He was one of my only close friends here and she had pushed him away. It pissed him off enough that he reprimanded her and called her a fox-hearted brute. Silverscar indignant responded angrily but she did not go further to scold his own apprentice with max roughness.

WARRIORHOOD (12-Actual Moons)

The day was finally here, he was under Sandstar's feet, the gazes of his now nest mates and alongside his siblings. He was really happy, more for his siblings than for himself, more for being away from Silverscar than for being a full-fledged warrior. Sandstar named him Hollowsight, because of his very good night and day vision, he could see things that others couldn't, whether it was for something technical or even as vague as knowing if someone was hurt.

Silverscar congratulated the now Hollowsight again, she was really happy and proud of him. That all of his training had finally led to him being a great apprentice. But she didn't get a thank you from Hollowsight reply, she got a dry, bittersweet reply, and with it, a request: "Tomorrow, you and I at the place where I used to met with Ratpaw. There are a couple of things I want to say to you." Silverscar was confused but accepted it. And so tomorrow would come...

It is time for a pause from this repetitive story of the Silverscar and Hollowsight discussions. Let's talk about his second Leaf-bare season! And also one of the most painful season for him...

The season was hard and without mercy because his mother fell ill with a whitecough. During those moments Hollowsight declined his tasks as a warrior to pass time with his mother, to ask how he was doing and also to annoy Tansyskip, the medicine cat. He would repeatedly tell him to keep his distance from her, that he could be with his mother but he didn't want him to get sick either. His mother agreed with this. So he tried to keep his distance from her but still he was very worried, he didn't want to lose his mother, not because of this illness.

However, as the days passed, his mother did not improve and became worse. Tansyskip tried to be as patient with all Hollowsight's questions and criticisms but had to be transparent with Hollowsight: "She's not doing good... If her status gets worse, she might not make it... I'm sorry. " He said. Hollowsight was devastated, so did his siblings. The idea of loosing their mom was heartbreaking.

And so, the days kept passing, that cold night he had returned from hunting, he was willing to take a piece of mouse to his mother, the largest and fat he found. But what he found at the entrance to the medicine cat den was not his mother waiting for him with a smile and a purr as always, it was one of his siblings calling out to him with desperation and tears in their eyes. His mother, his beloved mother, was dying of a greencough. He put the mouse down and went in a quick step to see his mother, tears fell from his eyes, his heart was racing and he felt a cold pressure on his back. He yelled at Tansyskip begging for him doing something but he shook his head, there it wasn't anything he could do for save Smoketalon from greencough. Smoketalon last sentences were love words for all of her kittens, how much she was proud of everyone of them and was glad with their achivements, but the last word that came out of her vocal chords accompanied by a look of shock and a happy smile was: "Crowtuft". She said as she looked at the exit of the medicine cat den, the others looked there but there was nothing. Smoketalon died that cold and full-moon night. He didn't remember if all of his littermates were at that moment, he only recognize and remember one of them.

He only remembers how he was watching over his mother, with tears in hiseyes as he supported his head between her fur like a kitten would with their mother. He didn't want to bury her but he always began to give her flowers, white flowers that he found because they were her favorite.


That morning, Hollowsight woke up very early, walked to the place that he remembered with melancholy and sorrow that was mixed with warm memories of the moments with his friend. There she was on her back, Silverscar. "You are always late." Started to say the she-cat.

"How the? ..." Replied Hollowsight in surprise.

"Always get to the meeting first, it makes you look more responsible, Hollowsight. I can always teach you one or two new things even if you are not anymore my apprentice, my dear." She said as advice that was poorly received by Hollowsight in a growl. "Well, why are we here? This place was always beautiful to me... I have-" Silverscar said until he was interrupted by his ex-apprentice.

"What was your exactly relantionship with my father? I heard you were mates." He asked coldly, however, his serious face changed to one of disbelief when Silverscar started laughing. "Who told you that?" She asked rhetorically with laughter.

"I won't tell, just answer! Why you always bringed my father out in our conversations at training?!" Hollowsight growled.

"Don't be brat with me Hollowsight, I didn't teach you like that." Silverscar replied offended. She paused for a long time until Hollowsight snorted again for an answer. "No, we weren't mates. But we could if weren't for that vix-... for your mother. I do loved him but I knew he only loved the warrior code more than anything so I wanted to be like him, loyal to my code, loyal to my clan, loyal to my faith, so we could be together. I asked him for training lesson and he did! I asked him to go with me, for chilling times, and he did. I have really warm pretty memories from this place, y'know that chubby apprentice didn't found this place first." She laughed and continued. "I was hopping we where close but nothing I did worked since I saw that big belly of Smoketalon... "She spoked his mother's name with a deadly disgust. "...I'm not jealous, Hollowsight, like everybody thinks, I was so frustated that he didn't tell me anything! I THINKED WE WERE FRIENDS AFTER ALL OUR TIME TOGETHER! I make a scene for that and break up my relantionship with him." She growled.

"But if you did hate him this much why you always talked about him?!" Hollowsight asked in confusion.

"I DIDN'T!" She yelled. "And you are his son! How I could not do it?" She said more calm. "But it is sad... You know?" She paused looking at him with sadness.

"What is it" He asked with his mouth open.

"That after all my effort, you're not even the half of what he was..." She admited with shame. "I did what I could, I tried to ward away that soft apprentice from you. But you already got infected from his softness. You're too soft, Hollowsight, you're not like your father." She sayed with sorrow.

Hollowsight growled, he was really ofended and angry. "Do YOU realize you freaking warded away one of my best friends?! He left the clan! It was my fault, he did left because of me?" He asked with sorrow. "Did you ever ask yourself on how I was gonna feel about it? I HATE you!" He cried.

"Wow, I'm not surprised how similar you are to your mother, what a pair of resentful crybabies." She yelled with rough and grossness.

"Don't you DARE to TALK about my mother in that way!" Hollowsight yelled in a resentful growl.

"I DARE. SHE WAS MY SISTER!" Admited for surpise of his ex-apprentice. "She knew I loved Crowtuft and still she becamed his mate. But I'm not resentful and I'm not crying because of that." She growled back.

"What?" He asked dumbfounded. "My mother never told us about whether she had littermates." He didn't understand if what she said was true. "Why didn't you do anything?" He asked.

"I'm not surprised. We weren't on good terms after that." She laughed slightly. "I'm not weak r soft like she was. Neither was your father but he becamed soft when he fell in love with Smoketalon, that was it kill him. Y'all are just too weak, but I'm not." She proudly and harshly admitted.

"Do you think you are so tough and brave? Fight me then!" He challenged her. "What?" Silverscar asked in surprise. "Fight me! I'll show I'm better than you, you greedy fox-heart!" He challenged again.

"You think so?" She ask rhetorically. "Then, come at me you little brat." She encouraged as she got into a defensive pose.

Hollowsight and Silverscar fought, neither of them used claws but Silverscar easily defeated her ex-apprentice by obvious greater experience, there were some things that she had not taught him that made the apprentice's anger burn, which in one of the attacks corresponded with a scratch with unsheathed claws.

"Enough!" Yelled Silverscar bleeding. "I'm not gonna be nicer with ya, even If you were my apprentice." She growled jumping on his apprentice.

This time they fought, a fight no one would know about, with claws and blood involved. Hollowsight was growing weaker with each wound, however small, caused by his ex-mentor. Until Silverscar knocked him down with his belly exposed, she was about to jump on him for one last attack and call the battle won. Until a grunt, a scream, and a lot of blood leaped on him.

A badger.

A badger had caught the attention of the pair's noises, biting the throath of Silverscar who was still alive and kicking to get rid of that huge predator. Hollowsight froze with fear, his belly exposed to such a vile monster. He quickly stood up and tried to attack the badger to help his mentor, she didn't deserve to die after all. The badger attacked him and seriously injured his shoulder blade, knocking him down, he was really hurt to jump again and try to save Silverscar.

The badger shook her, ending Silverscar's life, and tossed her aside. Now with it black eyes staring at Hollowsight with thirst for death it roared to try to attack him. Hollowsight growled and ran as fast as he could away from that place until his eyes saw deep darkness and with it, silence...


Upon awakening he found himself in Tansyskip's den, who asked him how he felt. He said he was sored because what hurt the most was his injured shoulder blade. What had happened?
One of his siblings entered to the den relieved that he was awake, told him that they had found him just in time before that badger delivered the final blow. They also told him that Silverscar's body was found. From there more questions continued.

Questions to which the answer was: "We went hunting, that badger appeared, then I don't remember anymore..." He lied. No one, not his littermates, not his future mate, would know of the fight with Silverscar. That secret died with her.


Today, things are quiet. Hollowsight recovered from all his injuries except the badger's left on his shoulder blade, that's how he'll gonna  remember that moment every time he looked at his shoulder blade, what a memory, right?

MOTHER━ Smoketalon, DECEASED, STARCLAN RESIDENTGray she-cat with a stripe running her back and blue eyes.
FATHER━ Crowtuft, Deceased, StarClan Resident Dark smoky-gray, almost black, tabby tom with amber eyes.


Blackthorn, Alive, MarshClan Warrior━ Black she-cat with a stripe running her back with amber eyes
Raventuft, Alive, MarshClan Warrior━ Dark smoky-gray tabby tom with blue eyes
Gelidstorm, ALIVE, MarshClan WARRIOR━ Light smoky-gray molly with a stripe running her back with blue eyes

MATE━ Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


MENTOr/aunt━ Silverscar, Deceased, Dark Forest Resident Light gray, almost silver molly with yellowish eyes
ex-Friend━ Ratpaw, Unknown status Black and white tom with forest green eyes
ROLE━ Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Hollow ━   Reminds his mom of the dark and mysterious tunnels that run under MarshClan territory
  • SIGHT ━  From his good vision at day and night
  • KIT ━  Hollowkit
  • APPRENTICE ━  Hollowpaw
  • Play Fighting
  • Patrolling
  • Rains, having his fur covered on drops
  • Dark places, or, the tunnels
  • Feathers
  • Full-Moon Days
  • Loud Noises
  • Turtles and bees
  • Honeybee
  • Over warm days
  • Having his fur covered in mud
  • Crowds

  • High physical strength skill
  • Good resistance
  • Very good vision
  • Terrible agility
  • Bad at relationships
  • Bad hunting skill
  • He really dislike nicknames, please call him Hollow or Hollowsight, if you dare to nickname him he will ignore you like for the rest of the day.
  • He still doubts his gender, doesn't identify with a male but doesn't want to use they/them either. He's still in the processing it...
  • He is INTJ and Lawful Neutral.
  • Fact
  • Fact
  • BREED Mixed; American Curl x Korat x Nebelung x Others
  • BODY TYPETall with fit, chunky and muscular limbs
  • BUILDChunky; triangular head, broad and long body
  • HEIGHT 27 cm
  • GENDER/DSAB Nonbinary; DMAB
  • SCARS Three on his shoulder blade; two smalls one large
  • SCENT Moss and morning dew combined with cattails
  • PELT COLOUR Dark smoky-gray with a back stripe
  • FUR SHAPE Long with silky smooth tufts
  • EYES COLOURMiddle Light Amber eyes
  • WEIGHT 8 lbs
  • DESIGNER Axxail
  • WORTH Unknown

Hollowsight is a dark smoky-gray middle tabby with a back stripe running his back, three scars on his shoulder blade and middle light amber eyes. He always maintains a bad posture, with a crouched body, a hunched neck and a low tail. He is a cat that, thanks to physical effort and not its own genes, that has developed a lot of muscle mass, making him a really strong cat. His limbs are a big essential part for him, strong but not fast, however, his claws and blows are really powerful.

He have a really long hairy tail, which he always seems to hold down but move more than his mouth when he speaks, he is a feline with very few words to give. He has unique, round and small ears, thus demonstrating his American Curl genetics. These seem to remain immobile on his head, in addition to some slight movements that are almost imperceptible to the eye. Needless to say, he is a fit cat, with long hair and strong muscles.

  • Mate ━  None yet
  • Previous Mate ━  None
  • Interested In ━  No one
  • Looking For ━  Casual Encounters
  • PREFERRED FAMILY SIZE ━  One single kit
Preferential mate
  • Dominant toms and Submissive she-cats
  • Masc Aligned or Sterile AFABs
  • Warm pelt colors
NonPreferential mate
  • Loud
  • Selfish
  • Silverscar 2.0

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Relation  Clan/Role 

Your character's thoughts of this character. Can be in character or not.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

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Relation  Clan/Role 

One paragraph would fit nicely! Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate. Elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.

Name Status

Relation  Clan/Role 

Egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Amet tellus cras adipiscing enim eu. Aliquet bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque convallis a cras semper. Non sodales neque sodales ut. Eu volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor.

Name Status

Relation  Clan/Role 

Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. In mollis nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit gravida. Semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat. Arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique. Eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut.