




- Name: Adrastos Zale

- Pronouns: He/him and xe/xim

- Occupation: Tattoo artist

- Species: Jewel maned dragon (See world)

- Jewel power: Gray (powerless)


- Positive: Humorous and hardworking. Adros likes to make people laugh to bring ximself joy throughout his days of hard work, which xe has great enthusiasm for.

- Neutral: Extroverted and frugal. He is feeling xis best when he's socializing with others... Almost as good as he does when xe manages to save money on something, like by scoring good clothing at a thrift store. 

- Negative: Disorganized and impatient. He is a bit messy, especially when it comes to his workplace due to xis own impatience, which xis coworkers aren't always too thrilled about. 

- Values: Stability, working hard and playing hard. 

- Goals: Die having lived a fulfilled and stable life after settling down. 


- Adros never knew his family. At least not his immediate one, anyway. Xis mother had him as an accident to an ex, so xe was adopted by xis grandmothers. His grandmothers were alright people, just a little out of touch with his modern hobbies. They both supported him regardless and tried to make up for his mother abandoning xim. They were a creative family, so naturally, Adros picked up some artistic talent along the way. He began learning to tattoo early on, starting with stick and pokes in the basement. He got in a little trouble for it, but nothing serious. His grandmothers just didn't believe it was safe, and taught xim how to do it while avoiding infection while xe was grounded. 

- In high school, he fell in with the wrong crowd for a bit, though. He smoked and drank for a time, growing a bit reliant on the latter substance. Before long, his grandmothers realized what was going on, and got him help. He recovered after some time, and found better friends. 

- Disillusioned with the education system after his disaster of a high school experience, he decided he didn't want to go to college, and turned his hobby as a tattoo artist into his career. He worked there for a few years before needing an extended break...

- One night, he was out hiking with his friends. Xe split off from xis group to go explore an area xis friends believed were cursed. He didn't believe it, but xe should have. A beautiful light appeared. Entranced, xe followed it further away.

- The following day, xe woke up in the hospital. He was covered head to toe in bandages. According to everyone else, a will o' the wisp had lured xim away, drained xim of xis jewel power, and wounded xim in an attempt to kill xim. He was referred to Dr. Jack Underlune for therapy and medication after his physical recovery. After about a year of outpatient therapy, he returned to work as a tattoo artist. His humor was still as present as ever, but a bit more macabre than his coworkers are used to (despite his appearance and fashion taste). 


- Hobbies: Horror movies, alternative art, thrifting and vulture culture. 

- Fashion taste: Romantic goth. 

- Favorite music: Metal. 

- Voice claim: Alex Turner (Arctic Monkeys)

- Health: Blindness in one eye, PTSD, (recovered) alcoholic


- Mother: Adros doesn't really have a lot of feelings about her. Xe's never met her, and has never expressed interest in meeting her. 

- Grandmothers: The two of them have always been there for Adros as parental figures. He worries they are nearing the end of their lives, so he spends even more time with them than before moving out. 

- Lupo: Lupo is the will o' the wisp spirit that took his power from him and nearly killed him. Adros has no idea, and would likely not recognize Lupo given the spirit's current form.

- Jack Underlune: The psychiatrist Adros sees. He has been seeing him for the past few years since his jewel power was taken by Lupo.

- Dominick Xianthus: Having been acquainted in Jack's waiting room, they bonded over a shared interest of horror movies.