




- Name: Dominick Xianthus

- Pronouns: He/him

- Occupation: Ex astronaut/pilot for XRAD, currently retired/re-evaluating career choices (heir to XRAD)

- Species: Jewel maned dragon (See world)

- Jewel power: Translucent purple (Star manipulation [unique VR]. Approx. 6 in. maximum per star, with 4 stars possible in an area of 10 meters)


- Positive: Collected and compassionate. Dominick can keep his head easily under high stress situations, which in turn enables him to help people when they're panicking.

- Neutral: Dignified and sarcastic. He takes pride in himself and has a quick tongue, often being a smartass with either humorous or insulting remarks. 

- Negative: Moody and dogmatic. He's a bit jaded from what he's been through and sometimes enforces his ideas on others, either subtly or openly, feeling he's more knowing from his time in space..

- Values: Survival and the very few he's loyal to.

- Goals: Don't die. 


- Born to the affluent family of the Xianthuses (pronounced sigh-an-thus), Dominick did have some privileges growing up. However, his father was strict, and was especially hard on Dominick when he decided to transition as a trans man. This was because it made him the heir to XRAD (Xianthus Research and Development), the family's company dedicated to STEM research. His father always had favoritism for his little brother, as he was originally meant to be the heir to XRAD, so it upset him to have Dominick take that title.

- What's worse is that when he was 15, Dominick's little brother was assassinated, as the world did not know he was no longer the XRAD heir. This upset their father even more, and turned the mistreatment Dom endured into abuse. Eventually, their parents divorced, as their mother was upset with their father for his callous reaction to their son's death and the abusive way he treated Dom. It was a messy divorce with an astronomical amount of settlement money, but with Dom's testimony and the public opinion of his father being low at that point, he lost custody of Dom, and they got to keep their family home and most of their money. It was also at that point that Dom came out to the rest of the world, but it was overshadowed by the divorce. 

- Not wanting to look too affected by the assassination, abuse, and divorce, Dom decided to participate in XRAD as an astronaut by earning an engineering degree. The years in school were difficult, but he only needed his master's before going to space. Not one to accept nepotism, he passed the physicals and tests, and entered the XRAD astronaut program. He went on many missions, beginning just with some time doing research on XRAD's orbiting station... and ending on a fateful mission to S3. 

- S3 was a planet in a nearby solar system suspected to have alien life. He and his crew were sent to orbit it at first to double confirm the evidence found by rovers. When they were able to confirm that the planet was indeed populated by life, they were sent back once again to land on it and collect samples and further information. No life on the same level of intelligence was found, but there was an interesting amount of flora (no fauna). Dominick got along just fine with the crew for the most part, save for one guy, Zenith Sapienti, who was a bit awkward... 

- There was, unbeknownst to the crew, regular natural disasters of decimating proportion on S3. An earthquake of large proportion struck, and the crew was separated. Dominick managed to catch sight of Zenith briefly, but Dom was on too high of ground to get to them before losing sight of them again. Soon after, he witnessed their ship returning home... Without him. 

- Horrified, Dom realized he was going to have to buckle down and survive for an indefinite time. Because Zenith had seen him, he figured they had told the others and that they would be back for him as soon as they could. Over the years, Dom began to lose hope, as they never came back for him. Zenith had lied to the crew, saying that they had seen Dominick die. He didn't know this, so he had held out hope only to have it extinguished. It would be a long time before Dom ever trusted anyone but himself again. 

- After many years, Dom finally managed to record a message in Morse code and transmit it in the general direction of Earth with a radio he made with salvaged materials. His engineering degree saved his life when previously he only saw it as a stepping stone to become an astronaut. After more years, his transmitted message was finally was received on Earth, and a ship came to bring him home. 

- Once home, the world was buzzing to interview him and learn about his abandonment on S3. He declined any and all interviews and refused to see anyone save for people he was close to before his departure. He's still deciding whether he wants to forgive, sue, or kill Zenith. He's leaning towards the latter, but knows he should wait until he's recovered more before making a decision. 


- Hobbies: Engineering, writing, horror movies, and fencing.

- Fashion taste: It's a bit outdated, since he's kept his taste from before S3 (think late 90s and early 00s)

- Favorite music: Classic rock and early 00s alternative bands (think Fallout Boy, Paramore and My Chemical Romance)

- Voice claim: Chris Corner (IAMX artist)

- Health: BPD and schizophrenia. Missing right front leg (arm if anthropomorphic), uses a prosthetic only part of the time. 


- Father: Dominick's father abused him, and so they haven't spoken since the divorce. He doesn't talk about him very often. 

- Mother: She and Dom are close, but not as close as he wished they were. She isn't very good at emotional support, as she tends to be distant since the divorce and assassination of her younger brother.

- Brother: Despite the rivalry that their father tried to cultivate between them, they soon learned they could work together instead of competing. Dom was protective of him, and his younger brother always looked up to him. Dom took his assassination very hard, and also doesn't talk about him very often either. 

- Zenith Sapienti: It's complicated. Dom knows it was their fault that he was abandoned on S3, and he wanted to kill him at first, but now he just wants them to leave him alone... Which he's more than fine doing.

- Ara Fallon: An old childhood friend that he hasn't talked to in a long time. Dom hasn't seen Ara again yet and wishes to rekindle, but isn't sure how to contact them, let alone if they'd even be interested.

- Jack Underlune: The psychiatrist Dom sees. He tried out doing sessions with him, but instead stopped therapy appointments and instead chose to just stick with his prescriptions. 

- Adrastos Zale: Having been acquainted in the waiting room once, they talk occasionally, mostly about their shared interest in the same horror movies.