Sakura Hanazawa



3 years, 1 month ago


Hanazawa Sakura
Age 16
Height 164cm
Gender female
Pronouns she/her
quirk sprout
Status single
Significant Other todoroki shoto
Personality Stats
Domestic Life
occupation student
affiliation U.A. high school
fighting style melee + mid range
Status active
Creator leyzy
Layout by Cheeriko
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Sakura Hanazawa also known as the Budding Hero: Blossom is a student in Class 1-A at U.A. High School, training to become a Pro Hero.


A teenage girl with average build and physique. Sakura has medium-length wavy purple hair with pink streaks that is also adorned with cherry blossom flowers growing on it as an effect of her mutation Quirk. She has pink-tinted eyes with purple gradients.

Design Notes:
  • To maintain her flowers, Sakura uses her homemade concoctions to make sure both her hair and flowers are in the best condition.
  • Her flowers function similarly to hair in which they can regrow after a few days.
  • If not properly maintained, her flowers can end up looking like a flower crown on top of her head.


Sakura is a calm and reserved person with a penchant for fun and taking risks. She's known for her bravery and daredevil tendencies which is to due to her fascination to the unknown. Generally a sociable person, Sakura is known to be easy to get along with by many and is just considered to be an enjoyable presence. She is shown to be quite the stubborn person ever since she was a child, as shown with her not stopping to pursue her dwindling friendship with Shoto Todoroki for many years until Endeavor had to ultimately stop her eventually.

Sentimentality runs heavily in Sakura's belief. This has to do with her losing her immediate family at an extremely young age. Having experienced such things at that time in her life, it imprinted on her to treasure everything that reminds her of her family. This is also why she chose to go towards the path of being a Pro Hero, since it's her way of being connected to her family despite them being gone from her life forever.


  • As much as she loves to do so, Sakura has a horrible singing voice.
  • Back when he was still a student, Kamui Woods did his Hero Work studies under the agency of Sakura's parents.
  • Being the last living member of her family, Sakura has inherited her family's wealth. Her adoptive fathers have come into the agreement to let Sakura hold and manage the money as much as she pleases.
  • Due to the nature of her quirk, Sakura's haircare routine is very particular and hectic.
  • Her haircare products are all made by the combined efforts of her and her adoptive chemist father.
  • Despite their unfortunate demise, her parents' contribution to society have led to them often being praised positively by the common people.
  • Having lost them at a young age, Sakura has almost to no recollection of her parents. She only learns about them through the accounts of people who have worked with them.


  • Suspendisse
  • Pellentesque
  • Vulputate
  • Convallis
  • Vestibulum

Skills & Abilities

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Quirk: Sprout
In ut nisi quam. Integer quis luctus eros, ut imperdiet metus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc nec erat vel ex ultrices bibendum nec non est.
Maecenas a laoreet Maecenas a laoreet
In ut nisi quam. Integer quis luctus eros, ut imperdiet metus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc nec erat vel ex ultrices bibendum nec non est.


Vestibulum a rutrum dolor. Integer venenatis suscipit magna, sed tincidunt dolor tempor in. Vivamus nisi diam, auctor in ante eget, ultricies lacinia ante. Integer bibendum tortor nisl, et hendrerit est volutpat id. Donec facilisis erat vel efficitur mattis. Phasellus condimentum vestibulum odio eu fermentum. Curabitur malesuada dignissim sem, sit amet malesuada justo porttitor id. Nulla vel eleifend urna, vitae sagittis lorem. Praesent tempor, enim quis egestas eleifend, mi augue vestibulum metus, ac fermentum neque lacus ac lectus. Etiam tristique, lacus eget varius viverra, purus ligula tempor neque, ut pharetra felis enim non velit. Nulla sodales id felis id aliquet. Vivamus ac euismod neque, eu convallis nunc. Nullam viverra erat blandit semper consectetur. Duis porttitor nisl eu dui tempor maximus. Nullam nec arcu congue, ultrices sem eu, dictum turpis.

Suspendisse potenti. Nunc sed porttitor urna. Nullam eu rhoncus ligula. Praesent accumsan urna urna, sit amet varius lacus consectetur sit amet. Curabitur venenatis felis eu efficitur feugiat. Morbi id eros placerat, iaculis dolor sit amet, facilisis neque. Nunc at dolor sed tortor feugiat egestas.

Donec condimentum blandit congue. Vivamus sodales porta sem at vulputate. Ut a ex elit. Sed vel lacus vitae nisi consequat finibus. Fusce eu tempus arcu. Nulla placerat dapibus dolor non molestie. Vivamus a pellentesque purus. Donec maximus, enim ac vehicula convallis, diam nunc tempus erat, malesuada scelerisque augue neque eu nunc. Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu. In metus justo, luctus at pellentesque a, cursus et quam.

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Vestibulum ornare gravida sapien, a iaculis justo. Aliquam nec consectetur velit, et luctus risus. Praesent tempor ut lectus id sagittis.
Name | relationship
Vestibulum ornare gravida sapien, a iaculis justo. Aliquam nec consectetur velit, et luctus risus. Praesent tempor ut lectus id sagittis.
Name | relationship
Vestibulum ornare gravida sapien, a iaculis justo. Aliquam nec consectetur velit, et luctus risus. Praesent tempor ut lectus id sagittis.
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