
3 years, 2 months ago



Name: Cory

Gender: non-binary

Pronouns: they/them


Mother: Tempest

Father: Connor

Sister: Jessie


Friends: Rodrigo (ex-friend); Rose; Jax; Tegan; Paris; Lionel; Holly; Karissa; Regina

Rivals: Sinsajo; Rose (briefly); Rodrigo; Tempest (briefly); Noirax; Benjamin; 


After their mother‘s death and his sister abandoning him, Cory felt miserable. They felt like every day repeats itself and that life isn’t even moving - the stagnant atmosphere could drive you insane. But sudden changes took place when Jessie, after years of not seeing her sibling, shows up at the door of their house, wounded and bloody. She collapses, unconcious. Cory attempts to treat her, but barely has any idea how to do that.  But things go worse from here, when Cory’s owner, who had left the house for work, doesn’t come back. Cory is in despair, not knowing what to do and questioning everything that went down.

While Cory was sleeping at Jessie’s side, they were disturbed by a blob of light that appeared above their sister’s head. Before Cory could realize, the blob moved and flew out of the house. Cory ran and chased it right into the field. To their horror, they got even more lost, and the light they were chasing disappeared. But then Cory saw what seemed like a cat creep behind the rye. Cory went after it, and the cat seemed to lead them out of the filed and to their home, Cory was suprised that they weren’t attacked, but then saw a figure on the fence. It looked like a normal grey cat, except its head was a blurry blob of darkness, with two glowing blue dots that are supposed to be the eyes. Cory was thrown off by this sight.  After attempting to interract with what seemed to be a ghost, the creature silently left into the field. Cory wasn’t brave enough to chase after it again.

But Cory had no other choice than to do thad when they began to starve and get thirsty without their owner around. Jessie was also getting weaker no matter what Cory did. So Cory did a bold move - they dragged their sister‘s body into the field, since this was the only thing they could do. And to Cory’s shock, the same ghost that saved Cory earlier appeared. They went up to Jessie‘s body, and then suddenly dissapeared near it. Well, at least Cory thought so. But then Jessie’s weak body began to move, and she seemingly woke up. Cory was terrified at first, but then “Jessie“ spoke up, saying that they are the ghost and that they possessed Jessie’s body. Cory got defensive and started yelling at the ghost to leave their sister alone. But the ghost explained that they just want to help - the blob of light that Cory chased was actually Jessie’s spirit. And her body was still alive, but without the spirit it won‘t last long. But wuth the ghost being inside Jessie’s body, hse could stay alive. Cory asked what they are supposed to do now, and ghost promised that they can get Cory’s sister back, but to do that Cory needs to be brave and follow this ghost in Jessie’s body. Jessie’s spirit would be hard to find since it seems to be broken and that’s why it left even before the body died. Cory knows that if they don’t do that, their life will become even more pointless and painful, so they had to agree. But doubts still remained, since Cory can’t forget that his mother warned him about the Inlying Rest many times while she was still alive…