
3 years, 2 months ago


Blossom Bloom Stinger-Trail 

Cis-Female | Changeling/Pony hybrid 

Nickname(s): Blossom, Precious Flower (Vapor and Sky) 

Cutie Mark: N/A

Talent: Childcare 

Parents: Vapor Trail, Sky Stinger (Adopted parents) 

Siblings: -None-

Future Spouse: Heatwave Shock

Future Children: Firefly (Adopted daughter), Solar Haze

Age (At the start of the Skaiverse): Teenager (Adult during arc)

Occupation: Student (Teacher during arc) 

Hometown: Cloudsdale 

Current Residence: Ponyville 

Voice Claim: Mandy Moore (Rapunzel- Tangled)

Short Bio: 

Blossom is the only child of the Wonderbolt couple Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger. She spent the first 8 years of her life in the foster system, and it was hell. Being a changeling isn't so easy in a world where "non reformed" changelings still are highly distrusted. But despite this, Blossom decided to smile through it; hoping that one day she'd finally get a family of her own. By the time she was eight, she figured hope was lost. That is, until Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger entered the orphanage; taking her home very very soon after meeting her. While she lives in a loving and supportive family, Blossom still craves to help foals. Hence why she has dreams of becoming a teacher. With her love of foals, it's no surprise that she wishes for a little army of pudge-muffins of her own. She's got big plans. Surely nothing can stop her, right?