TBN's Comments

What did you want for them?

For you, I’ll take anything :3!! I think I paid $15??? I don’t really remember but I’ll literally take anything you wanna offer, doesn’t even have to be money <3

I have some ocs for offers here but I could also do art if you’d like!


Would you consider like a headshot sketch or something small like that :0?


Just lmk who to draw btw!

1 Replies

How much would you be looking for? :3

About $15ish but I can haggle a bit <3!

how much $ are you looking for

Maybe somewhere around like $15ish :0

okay! i may be interested then :0 first may i ask if anyone outside my sona and mains in my th interest you?

I'm so sorry for the late response!! but aaa unfortunately I didn't see anyone I'd connect with :,))

i can offer anyone in my ufo/eo and art!

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Heya!! sorry for the late response but I'd love to trade this guy for maybe https://toyhou.se/15198231.ufs or https://toyhou.se/14012475.no-name#43323568 :0!!

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That works for me! Lmk when you wanna transfer < 3!!

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