Khonsu Emil Rahal




Name: Khonsu Emil Rahal

Age: 22

Height: 5'5" (152cm)

Weight: 116lbs (8 stone/52.6kg)

Race: Jackalope


  • Charming
  • Defensive
  • Flirtatious
  • Curious

Interesting Tidbits:

  • Khonsu sheds and grows his antlers yearly.
  • His antlers drop mid to late January, and a new set starts growing around May. They are covered in velvet. The velvet will start to shed early in September.
  • His velvet is very sensitive up until the middle of August.
  • During the time that his antlers grow, he craves a lot of salty, high mineral foods and likely higher quantities of food to maintain a good growth rate.
  • Khonsu's velvet is a soft champagne color in direct light and a sandy brown indoors.


Khonsu is a flirtatious, dancing street rat who just so happens to have caught the eye of the sour, hypocritical Badru. The wolf was entranced, enthralled and enraged at the idea of an omega dancing on the streets, threatening his safety and the safety of everyone around him by enticing so many to come and watch his displays. Little did he know, Khonsu was used to being treated as eye candy and liked to flitter around from one alpha nest to the next and took little to heart when the 'big bad wolf' thought to try and scare him into hiding. He's a jackalope, sex is just as important to him as breathing or eating- but what would a wolf know about that?

The same day another alpha approached, whispering words of safety, of a home, of consistent meals and having whatever he might need through the time that he stayed with him. There was a small catch, four others lived there- three more omegas..... And Badru. A few things happened to sway him to agree, but before he knew it he had moved in with the five males and now Khonsu gets to tease Badru as much as he likes. As for the other alpha maybe he could be useful in his own ways as well, but a Rabbit (or Jackalope) enjoys the chase and toeing that line of danger.


Once, Khonsu was engaged to be married- arranged to have a husband of high status with enough money to share with his own family. He quickly found out that his husband-to-be had no desire to be with him, and on their first official 'date' together outside of family arrangements, he was quickly abandoned and stripped of any chance of returning home. He lives as a street performer and finds his bed on the roof of any sandstone building that provides enough protection from the elements for him to stay safe.

Additional Information                                

  • Eye Color: Burnished Gold (an orange-gold shade, with a brown outer rim on the iris)
  • Natural Markings: (Reference image provided) Cream angled stripes over shoulders, around waist, and thighs. Thighs have a thick cream band above the stripes. Ears have a gradient of dark brown to warm blonde from tip to scalp, with an off-white super fuzzy interior!
  • Tattoos: A white tattoo on the back of his neck in the shape of a Crest of Khonsu, and a burgundy colored eye of Horus around his left eye.
  • Piercings: One dangling pointed glass earring on the right ear. Three cuff type hoops on the left ear, with the two lowermost connected by a chain. All metals are a warm gold color! The glass earring is mainly purple with an internal glowing spot of magenta fading into a bright, soft yellow center.
  • Khonsu can have varying lengths of antlers! Currently, he has a small set of antlers, though in the past he has had a full-fledged pair that he had removed to decrease the attention he was getting.
  • A special piece of information: Khonsu has a winter coloration! He becomes more platinum blonde at this time (almost white hair), his markings become a dark tan color, and his eyes shift to a warm orange. His ears and tail follow the same color pattern as his hair, with the tips of the ears remaining a dark brown, and the top side of his tail remaining brown as well.