Bellamy Lucian Danver



6 years, 11 months ago


Age: Twenty-Three

Height: 5’11”

Weight: 197 lbs

Race: Incubus


Tattoos: A collar of vertical bars, a thick band high up on each thigh, all in burgundy.

~ When shifted, he has pointed ears, toes, and fingers. Limbs darken and smoke out like black thigh-high stockings and mid-bicep gloves. He also has curled ram horns and delicately pointed canines with a long, thumb-wide, spade pointed black tail. Pupils become catlike when released from the human masking spell.

Piercings: two nipple piercings, one tongue piercing, three piercings on the outer shell of the left ear, two piercings on the right, with the lobes bearing dual ended spike gauge like studs, the other three studs are capped off with a dark Alexandrite stone.

Jewelry: A long, claw-shaped piece of ivory with two bright coral red colored beads on either side threaded onto a black cord necklace, a thick, etched silver bangle bracelet on his left wrist, and a plain silver ring on the middle finger of his right.